Create a sensor with climate entity

I’m using the generic thermostat component and it’s working quite well.

But I’d like to retrieve the data of the state (heat or idle) to use it as a consumption monitor. My emitter is an electric heater that uses between 980 to 1020 W so I’d like to create a sensor that outputs 1000W every time the heater is turned on.

Can you help me with that ?

Thanks !

Ok, so I’ve got to this :slight_smile:

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: “HeaterPower”
    unit_of_measurement: ‘W’
    device_class: sensor
    value_template: >-
    {% if is_state(‘’, ‘heat’) %}
    {% elif is_state(‘’, ‘idle’)%}
    {%- endif %}

I believe the state of a generic thermostat climate entity is ‘heat’ when it’s actively heating, and ‘idle’ or ‘off’ when not. So this should work:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Heater Power
        value_template: >
          {{ 1000 if is_state('climate.my_therm', 'heat')
             else 0 }}
        unit_of_measurement: watt

EDIT: Oops, got the test wrong. (I have a Nest and it works differently.) Anyway, adjusted accordingly. :slight_smile:

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Close, but you should never have an if without an else. Especially in this case, because if the climate entity is off, your sensor won’t have a value.

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It worked !

And Yes I knew about the ‘off’ state but I was trying to get a value to begin with !

Would you know how to calculate the consumption based upon a template sensor ?

Thanks !

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I think you’d start with this. once you know how long it has been on, the math is simple.

Thanks it worked !

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