Create group of lights via Helper - "Failed to perform action...."

Hello - I’m trying to use a helper to create a group of lights. Starting out with a single light in the group, the Preview button in the Create Group UI, always returns an error: "failed to perform the action light / turn off not a valid value for dictionary value @data[‘entity_id’]. This is regardless of which light I put in the group. They all result in the same error. I should add that I can turn all of the lights on and off individually.

Hmm, Even though the “preview” toggle on the group helper fails, when I save the group and then turn the group on or off, it works.

I noticed the same thing. Guessing this is just a brainfart of UI design, as you obviously cannot toggle an entity that does not yet exist it doesn’t make much sense to include a preview that can actually be interacted with.

I recommend you report it as an Issue in Home Assistant’s Github Frontend repository