Created an online Esphome display renderer, no need to compile to your device anymore

Hi everyone,

I decided I was annoyed with my current workflow for creating displays. Waiting to compile for a device takes a while, so the feedback cycle for development is rather long.

So I decided to create an interpreter for ESPHome code in dart that will render the display in flutter in an online tool. You can find the repository here: GitHub - Writer-IT/esphome_display_editor: Editor for ESPHome display code, gives a preview of your display.

To have a look and try it right away it is hosted over here:

Not all APIs are implemented, but the basic ones will work. A full list of supported APIs is inside of the readme. If you find an API you think would be useful to implement first, feel free to create an issue or upvote one you find. I’ll slowly work towards implementing more features, and in the long term have a look at LVGL.

Here’s a little preview for what I used it for: