Created Custom Component for a platform, what next?


I’ve successfully created a custom component that works for an inhouse sensor that gathers power usage, power diferential and instantenous voltage. But the process of adding a custom component is a bit hard for some people that will be using this product, so we would desire that the only thing needed to do was to install the integration and edit the configuration.yaml.

So what I’m asking is how do I get my integration to be approved for listing in the integration menus? I’ve read a bit about this topic here, but I wonder if there is a quicker way to go from custom component to integration.

Thank you very much for the help, from the get go

If you want it to be built in to home assistant, you would add it as an integration to the home assistant core repository on GitHub. You make a PR to do this.
I’ve found the dev docs are usually very good in explaining the expectations. You should be forewarned that you may need extensive changes to your code including either configuration as an integration or using config flow to be acceptable. The process can also take a month and usually multiple months.

If you want to get other users easier access while you do this, you can try publishing on HACS. But this requires a custom component to be installed first, so doesn’t really fit your objective.

Hello Matthew!

Thank you for the information, I’ll try to publish on HACS first since it’s still easier than cloning a git repo or just dragging the custom component files to the directory.

After this I’ll try to add it as an integration to the home assistant core repository, but I see it’s something that will take a while. It was good the heads up to manage my expectations, I’ll try to keep this topic updated with eventual issues I face.