Creating automations for baseboard heater (STZW402+)

I have 13 STZW402+ thermostats in my house, and they are all working great, however, the only way I have found to automate them is to create scenes. Each device has 3 entities: climate, zwave, sensor. Climate is the one I used in my dashboards, and to create scenes, but it’s not a “device” so I can’t use it in an automation.

Is there something obvious that I am missing?

But you should have multiple service options for climate which can be used in automations.


Available services: climate.set_aux_heat , climate.set_preset_mode , climate.set_temperature , climate.set_humidity , climate.set_fan_mode , climate.set_hvac_mode , climate.set_swing_mode , climate.turn_on , climate.turn_off

How did I miss that?? Thank you so much! :+1: