Creating HA web address

Curious, if using Proxy in front of HA would it be more secure to create long web address?


-easy to find website on web with site like shodan
-webcrawler can find the Port and subdomain easy but complex link may not easily be found.(I think)
-main site ( may be set to return some 4xx error or maybe a real site
-HA site is hidden to prevent the attempted brute Force or poke for vulnerability

-im not this paranoid and general good security practice like patched servers, good password, etc are generally good enough. Got curious to know if this may make difference (Force someone to go extra Mile beyond look for webcam with default password to hack)

More secure, no, but it would like take longer to find. If you are thinking about using a proxy then you should implement proper authentication.

Longer to find is what I was thinking but wonder if it make some difference. But Not really “more secure” is answer.

Proper Authentication? Like Radius Server?