Crestron TSW 1060. POE HA dash for $30. Firmware

First off i would like to thank all of you for the work done on this panel. I acquired one of these panels from work and have successfully added it to my HA. My only question is has someone found a way to keep the panel from going to sleep? I saw someone ask and i didn’t see a direct reply and if they did i missed it. Thanks in advanced

You can disable it in settings.
check if you have newest firmware.

i am on the newest firmware. i set the timout to 0 and it stopped going to sleep

Yep, what I mean.

Has anyone found a way to prevent the panel from reloading the page after waking from standby?

Also of interest:

Use “AUTOBRIGHTNESS CRESTRON” in ssh to enable the web brightness settings to behave as expected. “AUTOBRIGHTNESS FRAMEWORK” to revert to Android brightness control. More info here on the last page:

That’s cool. Sadly it only works for the x70 series devices.

ok so I think this is the solution I’m looking for. But what’s the difference between TSS and TSW 1060 series?

I don’t think there is a TSS-1060, I think its called a TSS-10 but it is the same hardware.

Hah I ordered what was said to be a Crestron TSS-1060/1060-B-S W with light bar,but it looks like they sent Crestron TSW-1060-LB-B, so no complaints

now the fun begins! (I have no clue what to do next)

So I take it that I need to change the application from Robin to EMS and point it to my HA server?

Yes. On the first few messages in that topic I put how-to.

Now that I have one in front of me the top messages make sense. I’ve got to read the thread and try out and test some of the discoveries. I’m a noob at this so it’s going to be a challenge.

Just do not rush.
That devices pretty noob proof.

I’ve been able to get adb working on a TSS-770 using the firmware I mentioned earlier. Installed the Home Assistant app but it crashes on startup - I think the web view needs updating, but I can’t seem to be able to get the root partition mounted as writable.

I was able to get it remounted rw using something like

mount -o remount,rw /system

If I remember correctly

You can probably use the method I detailed earlier to get root adb on any firmware though, I don’t have an xx70 to test:

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It’s the root partition that needs remounting on this model - it responds with ‘/dev/root’ is readonly when trying to remount. There is no separate /system partition. I did manage to get the System Web View etc installed via the /vendor/app folder, but not sure why; the HA app still crashes on startup with a NullPointerException that I can’t quite track down. adb does work as root and its easy to get a root shell.

The main benefit of the HA app would be being able to set a larger font size - the default HA font sizes are tiny on this screen, unusable really.