Crouzet InnoVista em4 etc Modbus TCP settings, the Q and A thread

Just wanted to start a thread where I will give all the info I have gathered so far and also to humbly ask for some help for the rest.

I use three Crouzet em4 modules at work (Floating-REST center for sensory deprivation) that controls the cleaning system, thermostat for the water heating and customer control of light and ventilation.

I have been working with IT-support almost half my life (20 something years) so I know that redundancy is your friend when working with business dependant systems.

Right now I have these modules that just recently was all switched to TCP modbus modules, from RS485 unconnected Millenium 3 modules, with the same functionality but without the TCP/IP connection.

When something happens I want to know right away, since 600 Litres of water don’t get heated fast to the correct temperature of 35.5 degrees Celsius, and then I loose a full day of customers on that tank.

I now have a system with Telldus Live connected with standard 433MHz Pool temp sensors that surveillance the water so that it is within one degree of perfect temperature, otherwise I will get a push notification on my phone. This is also connected to the lid of the tank to notify when the customer gets in and out of the tank so I can start the timer and music, and afterwards, start the cleaning system to be ready for the next customer. Also to automatically turn of the dehumidifyer to keep the room silent during the session.

Of course, since this is a Home Assistant group, I have built a shell on top of Telldus Live that I can control 100% within HA where I can get the stats and controls nicely lined up. I still use Telldus Live as the main automation source but I have streamlined automatically start of the timer and also reset the fan/light settings from HA when I start the cleaning program from the Crouzet panel/HA.

Now on to my findings:

I use three different modbus connectors for the Crouzet panels:

  - type: tcp
    port: 502
    name: rum1
  - type: tcp
    port: 502
    name: rum2
  - type: tcp
    port: 502
    name: rum3

Then I connect to the binary sensors:

  platform: modbus
  scan_interval: 2
# 50-1
    - name: sensorcoil5001
      hub: rum1
      slave: 5
      coil: 1016
    - name: sensorcoil5002
      hub: rum1
      slave: 5
      coil: 1017


Then I connect the switches:

  platform: modbus
# 25-1

    - name: switchcoil2501
      hub: rum1
      slave: 5
      coil: 1000
    - name: switchcoil2502
      hub: rum1
      slave: 5
      coil: 1001
    - name: switchcoil2503
      hub: rum1
      slave: 5
      coil: 1002


What I found out is that in Crouzet Soft:
XB OUT COM 3, 50-1 = sensor coil 1016-1023
XB OUT COM 3, 50-2 = sensor coil 1024-1032
XB IN COM 3, 25-1 = switch coil 1000-1007
XB IN COM 3, 25-2 = switch coil 1008-1015

Now for the complicated stuff (for me)
XW IN COM 3, 1-8 = ?
XW OUT COM 3, 26-33 = ?

The above would be used for getting sensor data in forms of numbers and also to be able to display different kinds of text messages from Home Assistant on the Crouzet screen.

So I thought if I help someone to solve this puzzle a bit, maybe someone would be able to put some pieces of the puzzle down for me as well.


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For XW out COM3 (26-33) , you will insert address 26 for register 26
For XW in COM3 (1-8) , you will insert address 1 for register 1