CSV MQTT to a entity

Hi all,

for starters i want to say that i love this project and how dynamic it is, and how the community is helpful, i used this forum countless time to help improve new and existing integrations so I’m forever grateful about it.

Now i think its time to ask for help to someone that has a bit more knowledge about this than me. but first let me explain what im trying to achieve.

recently i bought a bracelet online that you sponsor an animal, in my case a whale, once you get the bracelet they provide you with a website to track its movement but i would like to integrate with HA

so i built an nodered integration that goes and fetches the date, latitude and longitude from html bit of the website then i convert it to csv

so far everything is doing fine now the part including sending to MQTT

now I’m struggling to feed this data to a entity so I can feed into the map to track something like ISS tracker.

this is what i have on configuration.yaml but its not feeding the data at all.

- platform: template



        friendly_name: "Whale Locations"

        value_template: >

          {{ states('sensor.whale_locations_json') | from_json }}


          date: >

            {% set data = states('sensor.whale_locations_json') | from_json %}

            {% for location in data %}

              {{ location[0] }}

            {% endfor %}

          latitude: >

            {% set data = states('sensor.whale_locations_json') | from_json %}

            {% for location in data %}

              {{ location[1] }}

            {% endfor %}

          longitude: >

            {% set data = states('sensor.whale_locations_json') | from_json %}

            {% for location in data %}

              {{ location[2] }}

            {% endfor %}



    - name: "Whale Locations JSON"

      state_topic: "nodered/whale"

      value_template: "{{ value_json }}"

i hope someone can point me on the right direction on this… and this can help someone else with a similar problem

Hello @str3pto,
I’m in same situation… have you found a solution?