Hi all, sorry for the text…I do hate text-only messages myself…so hope you bear with me 
I believe I am returning to an old topic of picture refresh in custom button card, my issue:
I am downloading a jpg picture indicating meteo warnings, I do this every hour.
My button card references this downlaode file locally, the intial setup is fine
However if the jpg changes, as the weather warning changes, the button-card is not updating. The jpg is no longer on disc but the HA card continuously shows the old one.
I have found a supposed solution by adding ‘’’?v=1’’’ to the location/url but this does not help (in my case)
Is custom button card myabe not the solution to deal with changing pictures/files?
Probably because it is cached?
yeah, in fact I tried various references and have 4 cached pictures and not the current one. I ma switching to the new image entity and that should help with an entity update serviced automation. Caching has its downsides too 
Suggest you to post a SIMPLIFIED a short code describing your needs.
I think I have found the solution via image entity but this is my setup
type: custom:button-card
entity_picture: /www/pictures/warning.jpg
name: Aujourdhui
aspect_ratio: 4/3
show_entity_picture: true
size: 90%
warning.jpg changes at least daily and sometimes intra-day but the button card is not updating at all (by itself)…only when restarting or cache refresh…both which I donot want to think of logically
the new setup is
type: custom:button-card
entity: image.warning
name: Aujourdhui
aspect_ratio: 4/3
show_entity_picture: true
size: 90%
with sensor
- image:
- name: warning
and the sensor needs an update-entity service call every few hours or so, which I will do at the same time as warning.jpg gets refreshed
Imho using “image” entity is the best option.
Well, it is not working
- replaced the picture
- ran update-entity service call: image entity changed on access token and api path
- the picture it shows is still the previous one, via card and via url (at least that is consistent, not good but consistent)
EDIT: also checked this in Chrome and Edge and in incognito/inprivate
Make a Local File - Home Assistant “camera” and use that in your card.
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Thanks and I literally finished this 1 minute ago…that indeed works.
I will raise a ticket with CORE
Unlikely to be fixed as this is probably intended behaviour.
Frenck wrote somewhere this to work alike camera…it does not… at present this entity has no added value at all (for me), whether I use a path in the card or the entity…it does not update