Custom camera FPS in picture-glance card?

I’m wondering if it’s possible to control the frame rate update of a camera feed in the individual picture-glance cards in my lovelace views? Here’s my reason for asking about this

I have a matrix of 8 cameras, and in that view, I don’t need more than 1 FPS, heck, even a frame every 4-5 seconds would be fine when I have a pile of cameras on screen. I feel that trying to squeeze 15-30 FPS out of each stream is going to make my poor little raspberry pi start to smoke. On the other hand, if I click in to each camera, I would naturally want a higher frame rate. What I don’t really want to do is dumb down the entire system by dropping the frame rate in my camera.yaml when I link up to the RTSP feeds.
Real basic stuff here -

camera_image: camera.front_gate
camera_view: live
entities: []
type: picture-glance

One thing that did occur to me is that I can create a second set of cameras that stream in at a lower FPS, but I’m unsure of side effects, and I’d have to link through to the full speed feeds somehow upon clicking.

Thoughts on this matter?

I don’t have a suggestion, but agree that it would be nice if controls on the default stream component output could be added to live streaming in Lovelace, perhaps via something like a custom card. I only have 4 cameras myself, and their output is limited to 1270x780 & 15fps, but their display via picture-glance cards really drags the UI’s overall responsiveness down. And then of course on non-LAN, the combined 35mbps that the 4 cameras require for ‘real-time’ display in your browser make non-LAN viewing near impracticable. The alternative seems to be to not live-stream in Lovelace… but some balance between the two extremes would be awesome.