Custom Component - Asus Tinker Board GPIO

Hi everybody

I am running Home Assistant on an Asus Tinker Board S and I would like to make use of the GPIO pins (binary_sensor). I am not very familiar with python but I tried to create a custom tinker_gpio component by copying the existing rpi_gpio component, which should be quite similar. My current implementation can be found on GitHub.
Unfortunately, I have some trouble with getting the Asus.GPIO import to work and I get the following error message when starting Home Assistant:

import ASUS.GPIO as GPIO # pylint: disable=import-error
ImportError: No module named 'ASUS'

I assume that I have to fix this by specifying the correct requirements in the manifest file. However, there seems to be no ASUS.GPIO Package in PyPI. There is only an instruction how to install the package directly from a git repository:

Do I have to upload it to PyPI to have it work together with the custom component?

So gpio switches are not supported by hassio on tinkerboard?
I was just about to buy one to upgrade from my rpi3.

Not as far as I know. However, I am new to Home Assistant and I don‘t know for sure