[Custom Component] Baby Buddy Integration

Hi all,

This is the my first custom component. It’s also my first published Python project, so please forgive any coding irregularities. In fact, feel free to point them out so I can learn. :slight_smile:

This exposes all of your Baby Buddy API endpoints as sensors within Home Assistant.


Good work! What a shame this wasn’t out 2 months ago, could have saved me a lot of time lol.
I’ve already setup mine with rest commands and tons of template sensors.

Here’s my HA view of my babybuddy page:

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Nice. I had someone say something similar on Reddit so maybe I did this work for naught. :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome, thank you! How would I go about slowing the API calls down? I’m using Heroku and it seems each call is generating a session_key. It is filling up the 10k DB row limit very quickly.

Easiest is with SCAN_INTERVAL in your config, but I just saw the GitHub issue and will look into API call method.

On a similar note, I’m working on making a custom addon for BabyBuddy, so its an easy install for people who are interested in the entire system. (myself included!) This is the first custom addon I’ve tried building so I’m having some trouble - if anyone wants to collaborate and help get this working, I think that’d be awesome!


I am trying to get this Integration set up using a Heroku instance of Baby Buddy, but I cannot figure out why my authorization is denied. Is the port required? My URL and API appear accurate, but I get an “Invalid Authentication” error message when I try to log in. I appreciate any help you can give!

I’m sorry, I figured it out. “000” was the port I needed to use. Thank you for your Integration! I should have set this up before the little one arrived, but better late than never!

Glad you got it figured out! Couldn’t get to this in time.


Stupid question but how did you put in port 000? It only allows me to enter 0.

I have created a Heroku instance and I’m entering my dashboard URL and API key but all I get back is Invalid authentication

How did you get it to work?


I have created a Heroku instance and I’m entering my dashboard URL and API key but all I get back is Invalid authentication.

Can you give me a hand?


I’ve just installed this integration in HACS according to the instructions. And now what? Where do I put my configuration, can’t figure out how to do this!

I am stuck on this invalid authentication issue as well

so this integration is meant to be used once you have Baby Buddy already running. So essentially, step 1 is:

  1. Get baby buddy Add-on from these instructions OttPeterR/addon-babybuddy: BabyBuddy, wrapped into a Home Assistant addon (github.com)
  2. Once you have that setup, then you will be able to get the authentication key
  3. Setup this particular integration.

Unfortunately, like some other folks in this thread, I am unable to get this integration work. Getting the same error as others: Invalid Authentication – and no clue what I am doing wrong.

I am also in this boat. I’ve installed Baby Buddy as an add-on, but I can’t figure out what the URL or port are, or how to find them.

What finally worked for me:

  1. In the add-on settings for Baby Buddy, under Configuration, enable the Network option at the bottom of the screen and manually choose a port
  2. When adding the integration, use the local IP address for Home Assistant (which I found by checking my router), with http://, plus the port selected in step 1 and the API key. I didn’t bother adding the path. This worked.
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Glad you got it. Was going to post this to maybe help.