Custom components broken


I just upgraded to 2021.8.7 and none of my custom components (Automower, Nordpool) is no longer working. They seem to simply not be found anymore. Have something with custom components changed?

Check your logs.
You likely have messages regarding version tags missing in your custom components manifest.

Thanks, yes.

“The custom integration ‘nordpool’ does not have a valid version key (None) in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See for more details”

There you are then.

Raise an issue on the custom components github. In the meantime, you can add a version tag yourself.

Yes, I just added a version numer to the manifest.json myself.

If you also do a pr (or raise an issue) on their github it mighr get fixed :slight_smile:

By now, we can safely assume that any custom integration not yet updated is abandonware, can’t we? :wink:


Unless the OP never updated the custom integrations on his system with the new version.

I ran into a couple of those myself on a test system I rarely use but I knew what to do. I updated and everything was fine.

I actually didn’t consider an unupdated custom integration. Advantage of hacs I guess, it tells you this stuff.

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