I’m trying to setup a custom device class for my voice assistant, but it looks like its not picked up for sentence parsing. What I found is that this would be a “list” and its supported for custom sentencing.
According to the guide, I created the file in homeassistant/custom_sentences/en/device_classes.yaml and rebooted HA
Moreover, this is used for various translations into other languages, so I thought it should be picked up locally too? The above is just an example, I’m speaking dialect of another language and just call the blinds differently, so I wanted to give them “my” name. Of course, I can give the devices a name but it would be easier, to give the device_class a new name.
Ok, it turns out it depends a bit on the language.
In English, there is one name for the domain “cover” and the parser also requires a device class.
The solution above is the correct solution to translate any given name you desire for English.
However, in German for example, there are various names for cover (abdeckung). In that case, I could solve the issue by adding an expansion rule which extends the existing code with my own word.
I created this additional specifictranslations.yaml file in custom_sentences/de according to the guide (see above) and can now open all covers with my specific domain name “Storen”.