Custom MQTT sensor / shutter


I used NodeRed so far, but began the adventure of trying out HASS the first time.
I have many custom made mqtt sensors (DIY Linbus based cause of reliability of RF sensors, but having a linbus to MQTT bridge) and need a small hint how to integrate them properly to stay motivated.

I have window shutters Those report their position in units of percent (0-100 where 100 is closed) and I can trigger them to go up and down.

MQTT topics are:

  • cmd/rolladen/ROOMNAME/cmd <= this can receive “up” “down” and “stop” as commands as text string.
  • tele/rolladen/ROOMNAME/position => this reports as integer number the state (0 = open, 100=closed, anything in between is neither open nor closed :-)).

Question: Do you have any recommendation how to add this properly to the configuration.yaml. I am somehow confused about names like e.g. switch. Here I have trigger commands and a flowing number as feedback which does not match the concept of a switch.

Another quesiton relates to the integration in the dashboard:
Ideally I want to have later in the dashboard something like this:
BUTTON:STOP (so far so good, should be easy for me as a newbie)
A toggle switch to select if the automatic timer/sunset/rise based control is on/off or if it is manual only
An indicator/Gauge that shows the state (0-100%)

What I miss:

  • Control for toggle switch (on/off) which don’t map to an actual entity, but which I can use to be interpreted in scripts.
  • Gauges are nice to show shutter state (0-100%), but they are very big. Isn’t there something similar which is smaller?

The documentation is overwhelming. I promisse to dig into it, but to stay on fire and motivated… Can somebody help me with hints, even if it is right topics in the documentation? I don’t expect a full solution here of course :slight_smile:

