Custom options in blueprint select possible?

Hi! I’d following (test) code in a blueprint:

  name: Name2
  description: |
  domain: automation
  source_url: https://
      name: Mobile App Selection
      description: |
      default: []
          options: >
            {{ integration_entities('mobile_app') 
              | select('match','device_tracker')
              | map('state_attr','friendly_name')
              | map('slugify')
              | map('regex_replace', '^','notify.mobile_app_')
              | list }}
          multiple: true

What I get is the error There is an error in this Blueprint: Invalid blueprint: expected a list for dictionary value @ data['blueprint']['input']['notification_mobile_app']['selector']['options']. Got None when I call a automation assigned with that blueprint, what I expect is a list of all mobile app devices.
Whats wrong in my code (or maybe thinking)? How I can generate a dynamic list for the blueprint?

Hi prodigy7,

You can put custom stuff in there, but you cannot do templates in there.
There is no code running that would parse them.

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