Did you edit your config at all? Check your config.yaml file. I don’t recall the customer_updater ever being something that existed. If you find the line, comment it out and restart HA.
No, I did not edit any of my yaml files I just did a reboot (shutdown/restart actually) because I was moving some wires in the rats nest behind my desk.
Curiously, after a couple of restarts (because of the Alexa TTS Captcha), the config error went away. I wonder if it is as simple as the raw.githubusercontent.com website unavailable at the time I restarted the Pi?
Now I recall why custom_updater is there. I added it when I set up the life360 component.
But, more strangeness- why have I not been seeing this error before? I don’t have a /custom_components folder. I may have added custom_updater before updating to the image of HassOS from the Hass.io site.
So, if anyone has experience with Custom_Updater, I would appreciate some feedback. In the meantime, I will comment it out.