Customise in configure sidebar not working

I keep getting this error

It seems that your configuration.yaml doesn’t properly include customize.yaml
Changes made here won’t affect your configuration.

Even though it has been included?

  # Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
  name: XXXX
  # Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
  latitude: XXXXX
  longitude: XXXXX
  # Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)
  elevation: XXXXX
  # metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial
  unit_system: metric
  # Pick yours from here:
  time_zone: XXXXX
  customize: !include customize.yaml

# Enables the frontend

Enable the config screen


Config is in there i just didnt add my whole file as there are so many things in it. I thought just adding the customize: !include customize.yaml would be enough to make it work?

Do you have a customize.yaml file in the config directory?

Yep its all in the correct spot.

Nothing in the log?

Try temporarily deleting all but one item from your customize.yaml and see what happens.

HI, I have the same issue here… all setup is correct… any hints?

I also have the same issue…

I’m not sure why HA is showing the error message, I see the same, but when I edit a name with the Customize function, the customize.yaml file was updated with the new name as well as the frontend.

It seems to be a know issues:

I had this issue too. I changed the permissions on customize.yaml so homeassistant was the owner (I’m using Hassbian), and it worked. It rewrote my file, removing comments and blank lines.

lindsay do you have an example?

I had long ago used an old customize.yaml from my installation.

I renamed the file customize.yaml.old and via the GUI made a small change to one item (made it hidden).

This created the customize.yaml file.

Then I copy/pasted the contents of customize.yaml.old right into the customize.yaml that was created by Went and made another modification in the Customize GUI, and it did as @lindsayward mentioned, rewrote the file, removing comments and blank lines.

No more pesky error!

Hi @matthoover14 - sorry I missed this :slight_smile: You can use @ to mention people and they’re more likely to see it.
I don’t know if you still want an example, but my customize.yaml looks something like this:

  friendly_name: Garage Light
  friendly_name: Garage Camera
  hidden: true
  icon: mdi:television
  hidden: true
  icon: mdi:weather-night 

I edit on my Mac and use rsync to push my config to my Raspberry Pi running HA. I now also use rsync to pull my customize.yaml to my Mac so I can version control it in GitHub.

Still an issue for me. It keeps serving me this error whilst making the changes.

Very strange, and yes I’m on 0.80.3

Customizing entities really suck! Why can’t we change entities names in Z-Wave?
Now for every entity you need do name changes… :sake: