Customization of entities

I am a 78 year old man who, seven months ago, started experimenting with Home Assistant. I installed several sensors for temperature, humidity, air quality, some relays, light bulbs, etc. With the help of the forum, I learned the basic configuration of H.A. and even did some simple automations, in addition to using Lovelace.
Now I want to move towards a less amateur installation in my small apartment. I bought a Philips Hue plafond (I’m waiting for the bridge) and installed a Netatmo weather station.
I decided to do a new “clean” installation of the latest version of Home Assistant (0.94.3), and then add the new components.
My first problem appears when I try to customize some entities, something I did without difficulties in my “old” installation. I have tried several procedures without success. Under the “Configuration menu” > “Customization”. From the frontend (dev-states menu) and also manually modifying the files configuration.yalm and customoze.yalm.
Unfortunately, I can’t completely customize the entities. In some cases I can customize the friendly-name, but not the icon and in others nothing.
This is the message that appears and these are my configuration files.

Este es mi archivo configuration.yalm

########## PERSONALIZACION ###########################################
# Consultar el archivo customize.yalm.
  customize: !include customize.yaml

Este es mi archivo customize.yalm

  friendly_name: WAQI Sangroniz
  icon: mdi:biohazard
  friendly_name: Dormitorio
  icon: mdi:periodic-table-co2
  friendly_name: Fecha
  icon: mdi:calendar-month
  friendly_name: Hora
  icon: mdi:clock-outline
  friendly_name: Luna
  friendly_name: Sol
  friendly_name: Sol
  friendly_name: Sensación térmica
  icon: mdi:thermometer-lines

Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance.

Just a thought but do you have at th very top of your configuration.yaml this?


Not 100% sure it’s needed for customize but I suspect from your error it is.

My apologies. These are the first lines of my file configuration.yalm

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

########## PERSONALIZACION ###########################################
# Consultar el archivo customize.yalm.
  customize: !include customize.yaml

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url:

# Activa la visualización en el mapa de los dispositivos que se siguen

@DavidFW1960 is right. customize: must be under homeassistant:. The way you have it now it is under default_config:. So add homeassistant: like this:

 # Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


########## PERSONALIZACION ###########################################
# Consultar el archivo customize.yalm.
  customize: !include customize.yaml

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url:

# Activa la visualización en el mapa de los dispositivos que se siguen
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Added and it works. Thank you.

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Yeah the new images don’t see to include homeassistant: at the top which means you can’t use customize even though that seems to be included in the configuration.yaml in the image…