Cyber Power RMCARD400


I am trying to get Home assitant to grab infromation from my RMCARD400. There is a ton of settings on this monitoring card and I thought it might of been easy to add this device to home assitant.

Does anyone have any luck with these UPS/Monitoring cards?

I don’t own a UPS, but if yours is compatible, you can get sensor data using the NUT integration.

Well, I use RMCARD205, so functionality might be similar, but my card is way older. I use it exclusively with Power Panel software running as VM on ESX server, so I can control host based on state of UPS.
For connecting to HA I use another trick, I have the same UPS connected to Synology NAS via USB and have NUT server enabled on NAS. Then NUT integration on HA connects to this server to monitor UPS state.
Looking at RMCARD400 specs it seems that it supports SNMP, so perhaps this could be used to directly connect to the UPS and monitor its state…

The RMCARD205 adds IP support to your UPS, including a number of protocols like HTTP, SNMP, and SSH (and modbus over TCP, wow).

You could create snmp sensors in HA but that would be painful and would not be linked to a device. Since you already have NUT server running on your NAS, you might be able to setup IP monitoring on that, since it appears to support the cyberpower MIBs natively. This would in turn be picked up by HA automatically as a new device. This discussion may have more info.

I also found this custom integration for cyberpower “pwrstat-api” but I can’t confirm whether your card supports that natively.