22mins sounds strange if it would have been 15mins I would have guessed you used “api:” in your code while the device itself wasn’t able (or you didn’t want) to let it establish a connection with home assistant and since so believes somethings wrong resulting in a reboot.
22mins is possible aswell but only if you modified the reboot_timeout
Or it does loose WiFi or something like that.
Do a search for “Detect API disconnection” in here … to read more about such problems if you’re unsure if this might be the case. But a reoccuring reboot with a next to identical timespan isn’t something which happens by chance.
You haven’t given much to go on . If say you were running ESPhome on your D1 I would suggest starting with the simplest yaml that would run and if it didn’t reboot after the usual time add another section of the code on. Perhaps show full code and someone may be able to help and the log from ESPhome so we can see what it does just before it reboots.
Yes, I realise I was a bit sparse with the info. Sorry. I just wondered if anyone had heard of an ESP rebooting regularly.
I think I have found the problem. I am a rubbish c programmer and was repeatedly creating a string work space. I guess it ran out of memory and rebooted rather than just crashing.