JST EH are really hard to find in the UK, all the other types wont work. They are keyed so a 4 pin wont work in a 5 pin either.
Just use three dupont connectors if you supply your own power (RX,TX & GND), or 4 if you take 5V power from the heat pump.
Thanks @basshers24. I was going to take the power from heat pump. I believe the cable also has to be long enough to get the ESP32 outside of the heat pump. Do you have any links for the parts?
So just push those on the pins and good to go? No need to have a plug type connector to make it more sturdy? I can’t find a M5StickC and the M5StickCPlus2 also out of stock. I read on the ESPAltherma GitHub discussion page it was not supported, but on the Open Energy someone said they had it working.
Sorry for all the questions. I am little scared by the hardware end. The software side I am comfortable with.
Im not sure where you are located, but in the UK RS online have 40 of the M5StickC in stock
The dupont will stay in place if there is only a little movement
They are not great to be honest, but they will do.
My advice is to rotate them 90 degrees (they are square pins) and reseat until you find the most solid connection
Cable tie to to something stable and it will be fine after that
For the Altherma I thought I’d have to solder connectors onto a ESP32 board in order to plug into the heat pump motehrboard, which I’ve not done before, but now I realise I can get another ESP32-WROOM-32U with case & external aerial and use a dupont cable connector for the Altherma. I’ll need to drill a few holes in the 3D-printed case in the relevant locations to allow the dupont cable connectors to connect with the relevant pins on the ESP32. (I’m guessing I can superglue the connectors onto the ESP32 pins one it’s all working). The 60cm will allow me to plug into the heat pump motherboard and then place the ESP32 in the black plastic area, with the external antenna helping get the signal to the wifi router.
Update It all works and I didn’t need to solder anything. :-)
Pics of the eps32 before plugging it in to the Altherma. (As a new user I can only post one pic). I’ve set the frequency at once 10 seconds atm and initially added ALL the values to see what was useful. I now have a nicely tuned readout of what the heat pump is up to.
One question for those that have already done this: where is the best location for signal strength inside the heat pump case? Even though I’m using a esp32 with an external antenna, I’m still only getting -88dBm to -95dBm signal strength, which isn’t great. I appreciate it’s sitting inside what amounts to a faraday cage…
I’m not going to modify the Altherma case in any way, so is there a location inside it that WiFi signals can more easily get in & out?
Because of a bad wifi signal and therefore signal hiccups I tried different places inside the case but ended to mount the M5Stick with it’s magnet on the outside of the case. With long enough wires it could be possible to find a way to the outside top of the case. This would be the most incognito position outside of the case.
I succeeded finally yesterday with uploading the ESP32. However still struggeling in Home Assitant to get all info. I think I need to uncomment more topic lines. And I have to find out how to built a dashboard. Somebody suggestions for the Daikin Monoblock types EDLA/EBLA?
Good morning everyone
I have seen that the definitions in the wiki have been updated in the package, however i am in doubt on which definition would be better for my “old” EHSX08P50BB
Any suggestion?
Hello raomin, I have the Daikin Wp (EKHBHH016AB9WN).which definition files would be the right one for my Daikin? I need some values, can you help me with that?
The values would be:
Volume flow
Temperature of the hot water tank (target and actual)
Compressor frequency
electrical current consumption of the WP (“inverter primary current”)
VG Alex