Dark sky Precipitation type unknown when clear

I’ve noticed that Precipitation Type comes up as Unknown for dark sky when there is clear weather (ie no Precipitation) … it does show “rain” though when it’s raining… anyone else experiencing this or know of an open issue?

I think this is how it’s supposed to be, certainly is in my setup.

Rain for rain, snow for snow, unknown in all other cases.

Thanks, any idea why it’s Unknown rather than something like “None”?

fun fact, they are setting it to None and home assistant interprets that as Unknown.

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suddenly notice (because @anon43302295 made this nice sensor for unknown entities …) that my precip sensor is unknown… According to the docs, this should be happening when precip_intensity is zero.

strange thing about that is I have these conditions configured:

      - precip_accumulation
      - precip_intensity
      - precip_probability
      - precip_type

and this is in the states:


so, I don’t have the precip_type (which should be there), but see a sensor for _precip which isnt described anywhere?

added to that I dont see the precip_accumulation at all, while in fact that should shown as undefined ? Or is that equal to: will only be created if snowfall is expected?

all in all some peculiar behavior. please let me know if this is correct behavior?