Dark Sky weather platform (not sensor) in HADashBoard

I really like the simplicity of the dark sky weather platform and that I don’t have to deal with all the sensors:

however I also use HAdashBoard on tablets with the FKB. this weather platform doesn’t show up in there, I am guessing this platform isn’t available on dashboard? I copied the exact entity name out of the states page into the layout section of my main.dash.

[weather.dark_sky](http://hassio.local:8123/dev-state#) fog temperature: 54 humidity: 91 ozone: 271.64 pressure: 1023.2 wind_bearing: 0 wind_speed: 2.09 visibility: 1.83 attribution: Powered by Dark Sky forecast: [object Object],[object Object] friendly_name: Dark Sky

Here is my config.yaml:

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: REMOVED

here’s my layout in the .dash:

    - light.05042538cc50e3c67a38, light.05042538cc50e3c68740, light.60106557cc50e312e873, label(2x1), cayden_lamp, switch.85140653840d8e55a633, cameras
    - front_door, garage_door, breakfast_door, basement_door, sunroom_door, garage, weather.dark_sky(2x2)
    - 1stfloor_windows, basement_windows, clock.clock(2x1), alarm(2x1)
    - media_player.pioneer_avr(2x2), weather_frame (6x2)

Can you use the weather platform (not the sensor) in HADashboard?

Same here. Tried exactly the same but no go. The sensors do work, but that’s no forecast, it’s only the current weather, so that’s not helpful for tomorrow. Now that i looked into this: all dashboards you find on the internet only show the current weather, no forecasts. Apparently this is only possible in Lovelace. Looking into other ways now, but so far no go.