I am trying to configure a dashboard and some automations to handle weather conditions in 2 different locations. I currently user the darksky Sensor to get weather info for one location. Is there are way to get weather for another location as a second instance of the sensor, or any other way?
I’m still very new to HA, but I believe you can just add a second Dark Sky to your configuration.yaml.
There are two versions - sensor and weather.
Both appear to be able to do this, so here is what I think you’ll need to do:
This is probably what your configuration.yaml looks like right now:
- platform: darksky
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
You’ll probably want to add a name: “FIRST LOCATION” so you know which is which.
The first sensor uses HA latitude and longitude as default, or you can specify them.
Then add a second “weather” like this (corrected per @petro below - do not use “weather:” twice):
- platform: darksky
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
- platform: darksky
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
latitude: ###
longitude: ####
If you are using the sensor instead of the weather type, it should work the same.
Add the name, latitude, and longitude.
This of course is my assumption - I am not home currently to test this, but I believe it should work just fine. Remember that DarkSky has a call limit of 1000 per day for free - so if you are using the same API key for both sensors, you’ll need to make sure you don’t go over this limit.
Awesome! Worked first time.
Many thanks
I’m surprised this worked. The correct syntax would be:
# First darksky platform
- platform: darksky
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
# Second darksky platform
- platform: darksky
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
latitude: ###
longitude: ####
Having 2 separate weather sections will cause one of them to overwrite the other.
I am using sensors so that may explain it. My sensors each have a name and that’s how I refer to the two instances.
They are each reporting the correct data for each location.