DarkSky - Update frequency


Is there a way to set the update frequency on the darksky sensor?

Nobody can give a answer to this?

Try scan_interval:

From what I gather from the code, it should be update_interval: The default is 120 seconds which ends up being 720 updates per day, keeping you well under the 1000 allowed.

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxx
    update_interval: 300
      - summary

Not setting any update interval made my darksky max out every day, and in the evening the sensor would disappear from the States-page. I have treid setting it to “update_interval: 300” but wont know until tomorrow if it worked or not.

Anybody else with this problem? My dark sky seems to be consuming 2 reads per call so I am out of credits before the end of the day.

I use darksky and my developer console shows ~700 requests/day, which is right in line with 1 request every 2 minutes.

If you have two instances of HA running or two darksky sensors in your configuration then you might get 2 requests every 2 minutes.

Actually I was connecting to all of their sensors. I removed some of them and now it only makes 1 request per cycle.

in the docs is update_interval and I think is not working

which sensor you kept?