I did create some template sensors for calculating the absolute humidity inside and outside.
I now want to upgrade my dashboard to show me which rooms should be aired.
So I created a custom card showing me a green icon, if the relativ humidity is between 45 and 55% and a red icon if humidity is below 45% or above 55%.
In addition to this I want to check if airing the room is sensible.
So I compare the absolute inside humidity with the absolute outside humidity. Is there a way to integrate this comparison to my custom card (or another control)?
Or do you have any other ideas how to solve my problem?
Heres the card:
type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.shellyhtbuero_humidity
show_name: false
show_state: false
icon: mdi:water
- operator: <=
value: 45
icon: mdi:water-alert
color: red
- operator: '>='
value: 55
icon: mdi:water-alert
color: red
color: green
action: none
action: none
And if want to do something like this:
- operator: '>='
value: 55 and {{ states('absoluteluftfeuchtigkeitdifferenzburo') | float(0) < 0 }}
icon: mdi:water-alert
color: red