A device is associated to a controller (your bended stick yes). If you have a new controller (stick) you need to restore a backup to stick (ha cannot do this natively!) or you need to repair all your devices… and if the device was paired to the previous stick you need to remove it from there (disassociate). Disassociation can be done from any zwave controller or by following the specific reset of a specific zwave device.
Overall: good luck, you’re screwed without a proper zwave backup
Urgh haha. I managed to clean up by deleting the Z wave add on. I was then able to learn the new device. That just leaves me with trying to default the other devices so they can be learnt.
per device follow the normal “exclusion” process on the NEW controller. exclusion does not care about the original controller. after that you can include them again. Although exclusion should factory reset, it is always good to find the per device manual to additionally factory reset separately.