Debian 12 supported or not?


according to the supervised installation page (see here) Debian12 is supported.

I just did an install but I am getting errors immediately after configuration (German only but it states OS is not suppoerted):

Das System wird nicht unterstützt, da das verwendete Betriebssystem nicht für die Verwendung mit Supervisor getestet oder gewartet wurde. Verwende den Link, um zu erfahren, welche Betriebssysteme unterstützt werden und wie du das Problem beheben kannst.

So how do I get rid of this message? Or more important: is it supported or not?


I am is same situation. I suspect the documentation just got updated a little too soon. I am currently running core 2023.6.2. At some point I expect to see a new version that will be happy with Debian 12. The main thing is that you are running the correct version of Python/Docker/… I did not see where core 2023.6.3 added support for Debian 12.

I use container base installation. I updated debian to 12 as soon as it got out. I have 2023.6.3 installation without any issue.
For supervised installation I don’t know, but in docker everything is working fine.

This was asked twice in the last days, and in both threads it was the understanding, that the documentation is wrong. Somebody did an install, but it was marked as “unsupported” and therefor “unhealthy” in the supervisor.

I think I read somewhere, that Debian 12 should be supported by the next release, but I can’t find that anymore, so not 100% sure.

But as the documentation is already on Debian 12, I can’t take long until it arrives in reality. :rofl:

Well. the documentation might be wrong. But the current supervised installer then, too.

As Deb12 appeared to be unsupported (at least somehow) I tried to install with Debian11. Which does not work any more as the documentation completely is based on Debian12 now.

So the user is somewhere in between times… installer only supports 12 and HoAss only supports 11. Nice. :crazy_face:

Hope it will be corrected soon…


Release for the next stable is the coming Wednesday, so not even one week anymore. :slight_smile:

But as today is Thursday, the beta of 2023.07.0 is online, so you could try it with this. :+1: