Deconz API and door sensor - rule for door close

Hi all

I am a newbie with automation and hassio. So far I have hassio up and runing on my RP3. I have deconz installed and have a number of ikea bulbs, switches and motion sensors set up and working via the ui (phoscon) . Where I am having issues is with door sensors in deconz. I have a door sensor picked up and visible in phoscon but I know there is no support for it to do anything. The only way to add automaton is through rules using the api. I have created a rule to turn on a group of lights when you open the door and it works a treat. However, how do you create a rule to turn off the lights but with a 2 minute delay. So, when the door is closed the lights stay on for 2 minutes. I tired the below but they just turn off as soon as the door closes.

"actions": [
"address": "/groups/7/action",
"body": {
"on": false
"transitiontime" : 1200
"method": "PUT"
"conditions": [
"address": "/sensors/23/state/open",
"operator": "eq",
"value": "false"
"address": "/sensors/23/state/open",
"operator": "dx"
"name" : "Front Door Closed Lights"

This is a forum for home assistant related topics. What you are asking here is not related to home assistant.
Why do you want to create the rules in Phoscon and not in home assistant? Phoscon is very limited when it comes to automations, also you can only use devices connected to deconz, whereas with home assistant you can use all your devices and do more complex automation combined with presence etc

Thanks Burningstone. I am using deconz for now as I am just starting off and I don’t really have that much time to invest, so was looking for the easiest option for now.

I don’t know if what you want to do is even possible in the Phoscon GUI, that’s why I recommend to ask this question in the Deconz Github or a similar place as these are configurations within the product and not within home assistant.
What you want to do is easily done in home assistant in one automation. A few minutes max. and also your automations are easily adjustable and editable whereas in Phoscon it’s more complicated.

Thanks for the reply Burningstone. Yeah, that’s what I am finding. OK, let me change my approach and try adding directly to ha.

Happy for this to be considered closed.