Deconz / Conbee II delay (sometimes)

Hi, I’m solving such a random problem with a zigbee. Deconz / Conbee II. For months it ran (almost) like a watch even with about 70 devices.
Since the end of last week, it has happened to me, for example, that I press the zigbee switch in the hall to turn on the light. Nothing happens for a second. I’ll press the light switch in the study. Nothing happens for the next 3 seconds and then both rooms light up at the same time.
By default I’m going through node red, I was wondering if there was any jam / bug. But it’s not. I set a few lights through classic automation and it’s just the same.
It was as if the deconz or the conbee itself was frozen at some point, and it took him a few seconds to get over it. It takes a while for Ha to get the signal that the switch has been pressed, and the call service itself takes a few milliseconds.
At the time this happens, HA is not busy. By default about 40% ram and 10% cpu. Nothing special. It lights up 30 times in a picosecond and then suddenly jams again.
Has anyone encountered something like this or does anyone have any idea what to do with it?

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Depending on the type of hardware you’re running deCONZ on, perhaps a failing disk? Is deCONZ logging anything?

I have RPi 4 and SSD disk 128 gb. All works great. Zigbee last few months too works ok. Now is problem. Do you thing id deconz addon log?

I started to observe similar issues with 2022.3
I got it sorted out by enabling in deConz the Source Routing with max number of hops = 5 and LQI = 150.
However I have noi clue how to make it permanent between restart of deConz plugin :frowning:

What HA Version? There were deconz issues with 2022.4(.1|.2).

Supposedly addressed in 2022.4.3, but I’m not a deconz user, so can’t say definitively.

my feeling is that it started happening a while after the update on 2022.04. Now i have latest version 2022.4.3.

Where is this problem described, please?

Where and how is it set up please? Can you please send a screen from deconz? Thank you very much.

Two steps are required:
enable Source Routing Panel:

and then configure Source routing itself:

Please note I have number of hops set to 4 and LQI to 170, - I’m plying with system to figure out what are the limits. Wih number of hops 5 and LQI 150 system was rock stable for several weeks for me.

As mentioned earlier, the drawback is that after every restart of add-on it needs to be configured again, as this setting is not preseved. Maybe it works betted in other types of deconz installations, not in docker…


Meanwhile u can save it in docker deconz folder, if u set /opt/deCONZ to an host/volume.

Just save the following in config.ini to survive an reboot:

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I’ve been looking for a solution to this problem for days! Just enabling source routing with the default settings did the trick for me. Thanks!

I was manually enabling source-routing via the deCONZ interface for some time. I wanted to persist my settings to survive a reboot, but found this was a little more difficult when using Home Assistant Operating System (on a RPi). Mainly because you don’t have direct access to the host OS out of the box. The Terminal & SSH Add-on will also not mount the directories you need.

Please correct me if there’s an easier way to fix this!
DISCLAIMER: I’m using add-ons which are unsupported by HA. You can break your HA installation if you don’t know what your doing.

Install Portainer, exec into the deCONZ container and edit the config.ini.

Preparation steps

  1. Install this Add-on repository: GitHub - alexbelgium/hassio-addons: My homeassistant addons

  2. Install Portainer, a tool to manage containers: hassio-addons/portainer at master · alexbelgium/hassio-addons · GitHub

  3. In Home Assistant go to: Settings → Add-ons → Portainer

  4. Disable Protection mode

  5. Click START, wait for some time and click OPEN WEB UI

  6. Login. Your username will probably be admin and your password homeassistant

  7. Click on primary:

  8. Click on containersaddon_core_deconz

  9. In Container Status click on >_ Console

  10. Click Connect

Apply the config changes
Now you’re inside the deCONZ container, so be careful!
The file you should edit is: /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini
Because there’s no VI(M) or nano inside the container, I used sed.

Before you change something, create a backup of your existing config.ini:

cp /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini_original

I want to use the same source-routing config as @Esylias:


Check your current configuration:

cat /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini

Verify the [source-routing] part.
For me it contained the following:


To apply my changes, I did:

sed -i 's/enabled=false/enabled=true/g' /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini
sed -i 's/min-lqi=130/min-lqi=150/g' /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini
sed -i 's/min-lqi-display=0/min-lqi-display=30/g' /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini

If your source is different or you want another config, adjust the sed commands.
The first part is where sed is looking for, the second part is where it will replace it to.

When done, verify with:

cat /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini

Finishing up
Restart the addon_core_deconz in Portainer. Wait for it to start again, connect and cat the config.ini to verify.
Reboot your device in order to verify if the config persisted. If so, clean up:

  1. Remove Portainer
  2. Remove the Add-ons repository hassio-addons