13:36:31:339 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 692 msec
13:36:32:038 drop request 157 send time 229263, cluster 0x0000, after 325 seconds
13:36:36:338 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 921 msec
13:36:49:490 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:36:51:915 New websocket (state: 3)
13:37:32:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:37:44:238 drop request 173 send time 229323, cluster 0x0006, after 336 seconds
13:37:53:985 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:37:56:073 New websocket (state: 3)
13:38:11:097 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:38:12:508 New websocket (state: 3)
13:38:13:225 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:38:14:712 New websocket (state: 3) new handler Process
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] “GET //websockify HTTP/1.1” 101 -
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] Plain non-SSL (ws://) WebSocket connection
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] Version hybi-13, base64: ‘False’
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] Path: ‘//websockify’
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] connecting to:
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:39:47] Client closed connection
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:39:47] Closed target
13:38:39:702 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, c172.30.32.2 - - [07/Dec/2022:13:39:47 +0100] “GET /novnc/websockify HTTP/1.1” 101 6855704 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0”
Ignoring interrupted syscall
ALL THE LINKS new handler Process
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] “GET //websockify HTTP/1.1” 101 -
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] Plain non-SSL (ws://) WebSocket connection
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] Version hybi-13, base64: ‘False’
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] Path: ‘//websockify’
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] connecting to:
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:44:18] Client closed connection
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:44:18] Closed target - - [07/Dec/2022:13:44:18 +0100] “GET /novnc/websockify HTTP/1.1” 101 588372 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0”
Ignoring interrupted syscall
lose-code: 1000, reason:
13:38:44:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:38:48:715 drop request 212 send time 229391, cluster 0x0006, after 333 seconds
13:38:49:414 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:38:50:338 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 924 msec
13:39:48:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:39:50:830 New websocket (state: 3)
13:39:56:838 drop request 232 send time 229455, cluster 0x0006, after 336 seconds
13:39:57:398 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:39:58:901 New websocket (state: 3)
13:40:03:831 Reboot failed with errno: Operation not permitted
13:40:56:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:40:58:638 drop request 16 send time 229523, cluster 0x0006, after 330 seconds
13:40:58:738 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:41:58:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:41:58:538 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:42:39:145 Replace task 954644 type 14 in queue cluster 0x0006 with newer task 954657 of same type. 4 runnig tasks
13:42:49:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:42:58:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:42:58:439 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:43:30:668 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:43:31:944 New websocket (state: 3)
13:43:33:060 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:43:58:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:44:07:839 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:45:07:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:45:09:638 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:46:09:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:46:09:538 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:46:49:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:47:09:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:47:10:038 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:48:10:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:48:19:839 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:49:19:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:49:20:438 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:50:20:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:50:21:438 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:50:49:340 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:51:21:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:51:21:539 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:52:21:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:52:22:039 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:53:22:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:53:25:338 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:54:25:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:54:27:539 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:54:49:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:55:27:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:55:28:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:28:438 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:55:33:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:38:338 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:43:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:48:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:53:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:58:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:03:340 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:08:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:13:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:18:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:23:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:28:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
missing 22min
14:18:43:886 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 108 0x50325FFFFEBF5898 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0008 status: 0x00
14:18:44:078 0x50325ffffebf5898 found group 0xFFF0
14:18:44:080 0x50325ffffebf5898 found group 0x001B
14:18:47:430 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0002EC0F67 for cluster: 0x0000, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x1C, mfcode: 0x115F
14:18:47:432 0x00158D0002EC0F67 extract Xiaomi special attribute 0xFF01
14:18:47:434 01 battery 3025 (0x0BD1)
14:18:47:435 03 Device temperature 29 °C
14:18:47:436 04 unknown 17320 (0x43A8)
14:18:47:438 05 RSSI dB (?) 93 (0x005D)
14:18:47:439 06 LQI (?) 4294967296 (0x0100000000)
14:18:47:440 0a Parent NWK 37618 (0x92F2)
14:18:47:442 64 on/off 1
14:18:47:998 Bind response success for 0xcc86ecfffe2c5a70 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006
14:18:48:148 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 114 0xCC86ECFFFE2C5A70 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:49:339 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:49:342 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:49:344 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 of node 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 (seems to be active)
14:18:49:346 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:49:378 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
14:18:49:438 Bind response success for 0xcc86ecfffe2c5a70 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008
14:18:49:528 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 117 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:49:688 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 118 0xCC86ECFFFE2C5A70 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:49:949 0xb4e3f9fffe73caf9 found group 0xFFF0
14:18:49:951 0xb4e3f9fffe73caf9 found group 0x000A
14:18:55:348 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:55:350 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:55:353 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:55:488 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 127 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:55:688 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 128 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:55:779 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:18:55:812 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:18:55:988 0x2c1165fffea36acf found group 0xFFF0
14:18:55:990 0x2c1165fffea36acf found group 0x0013
14:18:56:238 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:19:12:338 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:12:340 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:12:343 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:12:508 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 142 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:19:12:538 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 143 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:19:12:718 0xb4e3f9fffe73697e found group 0xFFF0
14:19:12:719 0xb4e3f9fffe73697e found group 0x001E
14:19:18:339 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xCC86ECFFFE2E7902 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:339 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:342 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:344 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:348 binding for cluster 0x0300 of 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:518 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 159 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:19:23:648 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 160 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:19:23:868 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 161 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0003 status: 0x00
14:19:23:870 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 161 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0004 status: 0x00
14:19:23:871 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 161 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0007 status: 0x00
14:19:23:873 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 161 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0008 status: 0x00
14:19:23:958 0xcc86ecfffe952250 found group 0xFFF0
14:19:23:960 0xcc86ecfffe952250 found group 0x0012
14:19:43:348 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:19:43:399 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:19:43:809 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:02:038 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:03:065 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:04:338 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 930 msec
14:20:12:388 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:13:358 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:57:403 ZCL attribute report 0xD0CF5EFFFEBE4C56 for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:58:518 Bind response success for 0xd0cf5efffebe4c56 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0000
14:22:10:398 ZCL attribute report 0x0C4314FFFE2C55B4 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:22:30:055 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0003275F82 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:22:49:354 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
14:22:58:530 ZCL attribute report 0x804B50FFFE59B4A8 for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:01:638 Bind response success for 0x804b50fffe59b4a8 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0000
14:23:31:101 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0002E96DA8 for cluster: 0x0402, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:31:149 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0002E96DA8 for cluster: 0x0405, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:31:180 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0002E96DA8 for cluster: 0x0403, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:35:510 ZCL attribute report 0x0017880109A7C043 for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:55:139 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:55:181 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:55:618 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:24:40:238 ZCL attribute report 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:24:42:449 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:24:42:509 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:24:42:879 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:01:143 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:02:108 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:09:109 ZCL attribute report 0x8CF681FFFE5BAED5 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:11:748 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:12:718 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:26:21:498 remove link for (BC71, 6E8)
14:26:23:639 remove link for (6E8, E110)
14:26:30:088 ZCL attribute report 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:26:49:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
14:26:52:339 ZCL attribute report 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:27:30:020 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0003275F82 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:27:54:689 [INFO] - Button 2002 - Remote Control N2, broadcast to: 0x0011, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: ONOFF (0x0006), action: On, payload: None, zclSeq: 118
14:27:54:696 rule event /sensors/32/state/lastupdated: 0 → 0
14:27:54:704 trigger rule 41 - Rule OFF
14:27:54:706 trigger rule 43 - Rule PUSHDIMDOWN_OFF
14:27:54:708 delayed group sending
14:27:54:740 delayed group sending
14:27:54:909 ZCL attribute report 0xCC86ECFFFE2C5A70 for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:27:56:798 [INFO] - Button 1002 - Remote Control N2, broadcast to: 0x0011, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: ONOFF (0x0006), action: On, payload: None, zclSeq: 119
14:27:56:802 rule event /sensors/32/state/lastupdated: 0 → 0