deCONZ frozen randomly

Hi community,
I’m reading since almost 2 years the HA topics and today the day was come to post a problem on my configuration.

I’m running a deCONZ backpack from dresden Electronics on my RPI3 since 3 years and during the last weeks there were some suspicious occurencies on my Zigbee network.

Setup: as I said, HA is running on a RPI and I have a lot of IKEA bulbs and LED drivers, motion sensors and Aquara Sensors.
The specific case: a motion sensor (IKEA) detects the cat and the wifi-plug (tp-link) will fire my waterfountain for about 20s. My cat has 20s to drink and after no detection is dected the wifi-plug switch to zero.

Per coincidence, I noticed that after walking by the fountain was not activated through my motion! First thought, battery of my sensor is down or something else is wrong. Sencond, I checked my IKEA remote control to activate my bulbs - nothing. Also my bulbs in the kitchen are “frozen”.
VNC monitor shows all participants as active on the chart.

I had a look on the protokoll and saw, that my API is alwas requesting things and aborting some action.

Can please anybody check that out and tell me what is the problem on the network? For me (and my cat) it’s relevant to get water-supply :slight_smile:

The problem can only be solved (so far) by restarting deconz. Problem, I’m not informed when the plugin freezes…

Thank you for your help,
Markus & Elvis (smart-cat)

You should provide some logs.

yes, as a new member I’m not allowed to post more than 2 links (deconz is requesting a lot of links)…
I wanted to post the report as .txt, but not accepted. Only pictures are allowed.

How can I post that report without modifying the links in it?

Hi fleskejes,
here is the link to my prokoll as textfile :slight_smile:
Protokoll deCONZ

Regards :slight_smile:

I’m not clicking that :stuck_out_tongue: You can snip the relevant parts and paste it as code here.

You are right, this is everything without the links:


13:36:31:339 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 692 msec
13:36:32:038 drop request 157 send time 229263, cluster 0x0000, after 325 seconds
13:36:36:338 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 921 msec
13:36:49:490 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:36:51:915 New websocket (state: 3)
13:37:32:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:37:44:238 drop request 173 send time 229323, cluster 0x0006, after 336 seconds
13:37:53:985 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:37:56:073 New websocket (state: 3)
13:38:11:097 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:38:12:508 New websocket (state: 3)
13:38:13:225 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:38:14:712 New websocket (state: 3) new handler Process
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] “GET //websockify HTTP/1.1” 101 -
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] Plain non-SSL (ws://) WebSocket connection
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] Version hybi-13, base64: ‘False’
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] Path: ‘//websockify’
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:38:42] connecting to:
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:39:47] Client closed connection
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:39:47] Closed target
13:38:39:702 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, c172.30.32.2 - - [07/Dec/2022:13:39:47 +0100] “GET /novnc/websockify HTTP/1.1” 101 6855704 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0”
Ignoring interrupted syscall

ALL THE LINKS new handler Process
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] “GET //websockify HTTP/1.1” 101 -
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] Plain non-SSL (ws://) WebSocket connection
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] Version hybi-13, base64: ‘False’
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] Path: ‘//websockify’
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:43:36] connecting to:
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:44:18] Client closed connection
localhost - - [07/Dec/2022 13:44:18] Closed target - - [07/Dec/2022:13:44:18 +0100] “GET /novnc/websockify HTTP/1.1” 101 588372 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0”
Ignoring interrupted syscall
lose-code: 1000, reason:
13:38:44:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:38:48:715 drop request 212 send time 229391, cluster 0x0006, after 333 seconds
13:38:49:414 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:38:50:338 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 924 msec
13:39:48:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:39:50:830 New websocket (state: 3)
13:39:56:838 drop request 232 send time 229455, cluster 0x0006, after 336 seconds
13:39:57:398 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:39:58:901 New websocket (state: 3)
13:40:03:831 Reboot failed with errno: Operation not permitted
13:40:56:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:40:58:638 drop request 16 send time 229523, cluster 0x0006, after 330 seconds
13:40:58:738 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:41:58:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:41:58:538 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:42:39:145 Replace task 954644 type 14 in queue cluster 0x0006 with newer task 954657 of same type. 4 runnig tasks
13:42:49:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:42:58:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:42:58:439 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:43:30:668 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:43:31:944 New websocket (state: 3)
13:43:33:060 Websocket disconnected, state: 0, close-code: 1000, reason:
13:43:58:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:44:07:839 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:45:07:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:45:09:638 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:46:09:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:46:09:538 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:46:49:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:47:09:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:47:10:038 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:48:10:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:48:19:839 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:49:19:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:49:20:438 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:50:20:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:50:21:438 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:50:49:340 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:51:21:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:51:21:539 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:52:21:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:52:22:039 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:53:22:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:53:25:338 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:54:25:339 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:54:27:539 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:54:49:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
13:55:27:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
13:55:28:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:28:438 enqueue APS request failed with error 2, drop
13:55:33:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:38:338 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:43:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:48:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:53:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:55:58:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:03:340 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:08:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:13:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:18:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:23:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
13:56:28:338 timeout on poll APS confirm

missing 22min

14:18:43:886 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 108 0x50325FFFFEBF5898 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0008 status: 0x00
14:18:44:078 0x50325ffffebf5898 found group 0xFFF0
14:18:44:080 0x50325ffffebf5898 found group 0x001B
14:18:47:430 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0002EC0F67 for cluster: 0x0000, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x1C, mfcode: 0x115F
14:18:47:432 0x00158D0002EC0F67 extract Xiaomi special attribute 0xFF01
14:18:47:434 01 battery 3025 (0x0BD1)
14:18:47:435 03 Device temperature 29 °C
14:18:47:436 04 unknown 17320 (0x43A8)
14:18:47:438 05 RSSI dB (?) 93 (0x005D)
14:18:47:439 06 LQI (?) 4294967296 (0x0100000000)
14:18:47:440 0a Parent NWK 37618 (0x92F2)
14:18:47:442 64 on/off 1
14:18:47:998 Bind response success for 0xcc86ecfffe2c5a70 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006
14:18:48:148 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 114 0xCC86ECFFFE2C5A70 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:49:339 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:49:342 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:49:344 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 of node 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 (seems to be active)
14:18:49:346 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:49:378 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
14:18:49:438 Bind response success for 0xcc86ecfffe2c5a70 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008
14:18:49:528 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 117 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:49:688 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 118 0xCC86ECFFFE2C5A70 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:49:949 0xb4e3f9fffe73caf9 found group 0xFFF0
14:18:49:951 0xb4e3f9fffe73caf9 found group 0x000A
14:18:55:348 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:55:350 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:55:353 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF exists (verified by reporting)
14:18:55:488 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 127 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:55:688 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 128 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:18:55:779 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:18:55:812 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:18:55:988 0x2c1165fffea36acf found group 0xFFF0
14:18:55:990 0x2c1165fffea36acf found group 0x0013
14:18:56:238 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:19:12:338 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:12:340 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:12:343 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:12:508 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 142 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:19:12:538 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 143 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:19:12:718 0xb4e3f9fffe73697e found group 0xFFF0
14:19:12:719 0xb4e3f9fffe73697e found group 0x001E
14:19:18:339 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xCC86ECFFFE2E7902 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:339 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:342 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:344 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:348 binding for cluster 0x0300 of 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 exists (verified by reporting)
14:19:23:518 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 159 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:19:23:648 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 160 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 status: 0x00
14:19:23:868 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 161 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0003 status: 0x00
14:19:23:870 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 161 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0004 status: 0x00
14:19:23:871 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 161 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0007 status: 0x00
14:19:23:873 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 161 0xCC86ECFFFE952250 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0300 attr: 0x0008 status: 0x00
14:19:23:958 0xcc86ecfffe952250 found group 0xFFF0
14:19:23:960 0xcc86ecfffe952250 found group 0x0012
14:19:43:348 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:19:43:399 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:19:43:809 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:02:038 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:03:065 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:04:338 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 930 msec
14:20:12:388 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:13:358 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:57:403 ZCL attribute report 0xD0CF5EFFFEBE4C56 for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:20:58:518 Bind response success for 0xd0cf5efffebe4c56 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0000
14:22:10:398 ZCL attribute report 0x0C4314FFFE2C55B4 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:22:30:055 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0003275F82 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:22:49:354 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
14:22:58:530 ZCL attribute report 0x804B50FFFE59B4A8 for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:01:638 Bind response success for 0x804b50fffe59b4a8 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0000
14:23:31:101 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0002E96DA8 for cluster: 0x0402, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:31:149 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0002E96DA8 for cluster: 0x0405, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:31:180 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0002E96DA8 for cluster: 0x0403, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:35:510 ZCL attribute report 0x0017880109A7C043 for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:55:139 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:55:181 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:23:55:618 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:24:40:238 ZCL attribute report 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:24:42:449 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:24:42:509 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:24:42:879 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:01:143 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:02:108 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:09:109 ZCL attribute report 0x8CF681FFFE5BAED5 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:11:748 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:25:12:718 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
14:26:21:498 remove link for (BC71, 6E8)
14:26:23:639 remove link for (6E8, E110)
14:26:30:088 ZCL attribute report 0xB4E3F9FFFE73697E for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:26:49:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
14:26:52:339 ZCL attribute report 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:27:30:020 ZCL attribute report 0x00158D0003275F82 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
14:27:54:689 [INFO] - Button 2002 - Remote Control N2, broadcast to: 0x0011, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: ONOFF (0x0006), action: On, payload: None, zclSeq: 118
14:27:54:696 rule event /sensors/32/state/lastupdated: 0 → 0
14:27:54:704 trigger rule 41 - Rule OFF
14:27:54:706 trigger rule 43 - Rule PUSHDIMDOWN_OFF
14:27:54:708 delayed group sending
14:27:54:740 delayed group sending
14:27:54:909 ZCL attribute report 0xCC86ECFFFE2C5A70 for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
14:27:56:798 [INFO] - Button 1002 - Remote Control N2, broadcast to: 0x0011, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: ONOFF (0x0006), action: On, payload: None, zclSeq: 119
14:27:56:802 rule event /sensors/32/state/lastupdated: 0 → 0

And a picture of the http-adresses - is my RPI with HA:

Next happening today


00:02:42:439 [INFO] - Button 1002 - TRADFRI motion sensor, broadcast to: 0xC32E, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: ONOFF (0x0006), action: On with timed off, payload: 0058020000, zclSeq: 55
00:02:43:498 Bind response success for 0xd0cf5efffebe4c56 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0000
00:02:45:709 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:02:46:038 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:02:49:491 [INFO] - Button 1002 - TRADFRI motion sensor, broadcast to: 0xC32E, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: ONOFF (0x0006), action: On with timed off, payload: 0058020000, zclSeq: 56
00:02:55:341 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0x0C4314FFFE2C55B4 exists (verified by reporting)
00:02:55:343 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0x0C4314FFFE2C55B4 exists (verified by reporting)
00:02:55:346 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 of node 0x0C4314FFFE2C55B4 (seems to be active)
00:02:55:348 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0x0C4314FFFE2C55B4 exists (verified by reporting)
00:02:55:351 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 of node 0x0C4314FFFE2C55B4 (seems to be active)
00:02:56:559 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:03:02:966 discovery for zombie 0xcc86ecfffe2e7902 dropped, last try was 452 seconds ago
00:03:15:728 0xb4e3f9fffe73caf9 found group 0xFFF0
00:03:15:730 0xb4e3f9fffe73caf9 found group 0x000A
00:03:30:960 ZCL attribute report 0x0017880109A7C043 for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
00:03:31:108 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:03:37:318 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:03:45:338 binding for cluster 0x0000 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
00:03:45:341 binding for cluster 0x0006 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
00:03:45:343 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0006 attr: 0x0000 of node 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 (seems to be active)
00:03:45:345 binding for cluster 0x0008 of 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 exists (verified by reporting)
00:03:45:347 skip configure report for cluster: 0x0008 attr: 0x0000 of node 0xB4E3F9FFFE73CAF9 (seems to be active)
00:03:49:538 sensor 19 (TRADFRI motion sensor): disable presence
00:03:50:038 Set sensor check interval to 1000 milliseconds
00:03:56:008 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 error APSDE-DATA.confirm: 0xE9 on task
00:03:58:439 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:03:58:498 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:03:59:258 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE7F7309 for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:04:05:047 discovery for zombie 0xcc86ecfffe2e7902 dropped, last try was 514 seconds ago
00:04:09:429 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:04:29:159 ZCL attribute report 0x04CD15FFFE657EEE for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:05:05:340 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:05:07:623 discovery for zombie 0xcc86ecfffe2e7902 dropped, last try was 577 seconds ago
00:05:15:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:05:25:340 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:05:35:340 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:05:41:649 ZCL attribute report 0x50325FFFFEAF0483 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
00:05:45:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:05:55:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:06:01:344 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500
00:06:05:338 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:06:15:359 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:06:25:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:06:25:590 discovery for zombie 0xcc86ecfffe2e7902 dropped, last try was 654 seconds ago
00:06:29:229 ZCL attribute report 0x8CF681FFFE5BAED5 for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
00:06:35:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:06:37:538 ZCL attribute report 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x38, mfcode: 0x0000
00:06:45:338 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:06:52:109 ZCL attribute report 0x841826000000527E for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x03, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:06:52:169 ZCL attribute report 0x841826000000527E for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x03, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:06:52:208 ZCL attribute report 0x841826000000527E for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x03, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:06:52:265 ZCL attribute report 0x841826000000527E for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x03, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:06:55:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:07:05:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:07:15:361 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:07:18:098 ZCL attribute report 0x841826000000190E for cluster: 0x0006, ep: 0x03, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:07:18:159 ZCL attribute report 0x841826000000190E for cluster: 0x0008, ep: 0x03, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:07:18:198 ZCL attribute report 0x841826000000190E for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x03, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:07:18:244 ZCL attribute report 0x841826000000190E for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x03, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000
00:07:25:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:07:26:649 ZCL attribute report 0x50325FFFFEBF5898 for cluster: 0x0300, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
00:07:35:338 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:07:36:008 0x8cf681fffe5baed5 found group 0x0017
00:07:36:010 0x8cf681fffe5baed5 found group 0xFFF0
PROTO: CRC error
00:07:43:229 Device protocol version: 0x010C
00:07:44:078 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
00:07:44:368 Device protocol version: 0x010C
00:07:46:431 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 949 msec
00:07:47:382 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:07:57:340 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:02:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:07:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:12:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:17:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:22:340 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:27:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:32:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:37:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:42:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:45:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
00:08:45:815 0xCC86ECFFFE2C5A70 error APSDE-DATA.confirm: 0xA7 on task
00:08:47:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:52:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:08:57:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:02:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:07:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:12:341 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:17:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:22:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:27:340 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:32:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:37:338 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:42:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:46:338 timeout on poll APS confirm
00:09:46:775 0x2C1165FFFEA36ACF error APSDE-DATA.confirm: 0xA7 on task
00:09:47:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:09:52:339 skip binding for attribute reporting of ep: 0x00 cluster 0x0000 (end-device might sleep)
00:10:01:339 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26400500

Does anybody know why