Hey guys,
I recently migrated from a pi4 to a VM on unraid, and everything came back up online when I restored my snapshot except for deConz /Conbee II!
My zigbee devices are mostly not connecting at all, except for 1 or 2 of them sporadically connecting.
I was originally passing through the Conbee in the Unraid VM, but have switched to the Libvirt Hotplug USB plugin. Either way same result.
The Conbee is on a now on 50cm USB extension lead, but have also tried it directly plugged in.
deConz appears to be working. In the Phoscon App, I see the Conbee and can open it. In the VNC viewer, the coordinator is there, but currently only has one device connected.
I don’t have a heap of experience with deConz, and I have no idea what to try next??