Recently I noticed by Ikea Tradfri lights connected through a deconz stick into Home Assistant isn’t exposing the color_temp value. Before this attribute was available.
Does anyone else have this? Or does anyone know how I can fix this?
I don’t know when it stopped working. I know a month again it worked, and now it doesn’t. I did a few update of HA (I try to always be up to date) and did 1 update from the deconz addon.
The bulb is turned on.
Did it really stop working or do you just not see “color_temp” as an attribute?
With working I mean, are you able to change the color temp for this bulb through a service call or if you click on the bulb do you see a slider for color temp?
Indeed strange. Can you please post the service call you tried? If you change the color tem with the slider, do you still not see it as an attribute for the light?
This has been in deconz for a while. I know where and fixed my version. My fix however breaks deconz scenes, which I don’t use. I have messaged the devs about it but no answer. The main discussion about it has been in a thread about
Can I somehow manually update the deconz version on home assistant.
I cannot update via the normal addon-system any more but I’m still on 2.05.75 which still has this IKEA Tradfi E27 color temperature bug.
Is it possible to get 2.05.76 or 2.05.77 manually to get rid of this issue?
My details:
Hassio addon deCONZ Current version: 5.3.5
deconz Version: 2.05.75 / 8.3.2020
I do see the temperature slider in Lovelace, but when I hit it I can either have the warm or cold light color but nothing in between. So the slider doesn’t work well. The only way to set a specific color temperature is doing it via a service or the deconz interface itself.