I’ve just moved from the marthoc add on to the official one. I’m surprised to see that my conbee doesn’t have a firmware update available, since it’s been ages since I updated it.
The phoscon web Ui says my firmware version is 26330500
Can anyone confirm if that seems right? I tried looking for information on the latest version but was unable to find any.
Switched from a Raspi 3 with Hassio install (image, no docker) to Intel NUC. On the NUC I am using hassion in docker enviroment with poratiner as management tool.
Now I recognized that deconz is shown twice on my integrations site. One is filled with my sensors and light, the other one (when I configzre it) is empty and does not show any devices. To keep it clean I want to delete this deconz integration entry, because it’s useless. But how can I do it and why is there a second integration listed without any devices. I am using just 1 conbee2 stick, so no other deconz gateway is available.
I am trying to update my conbee-II stick firmware running 264A0700. Reading the wiki it only mentions the marthoc’s deCONZ Docker image and there it say’s at step 3:
Invoke the firmware update script: docker run -it --rm --entrypoint "/firmware-update.sh" --privileged --cap-add=ALL -v /dev:/dev -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v /sys:/sys marthoc/deconz
Is this the same way to do when running the Hassio Core Add-on: deCONZ?
Why does deCONZ check the firmware like every 6-10 minutes?
15:17:41:410 GW firmware version: 0x264a0700
15:17:41:410 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x264a0700
15:09:41:404 GW firmware version: 0x264a0700
15:09:41:404 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x264a0700
15:01:41:409 GW firmware version: 0x264a0700
15:01:41:409 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x264a0700
I have an issue with conbee II and firmware 26490700 with a xiaomi aqara motion sensor.
I can discover the sensor and I can see it in the deconz ui and in the HA but the sensor was refreshed 19 hours ago.
The sensor is new and the battery level is 100%.
Thanks for this, I do actually recall reading this somewhere but it never occurred to me that this was the issue, I always assumed that it was the bulb itself that applied the transition when changing brightness as opposed to the controlling device (ikea bridge, hue bridge, or deconz).
Yep I think maintaining control is better than smooth transitions for now, hopefully there will be an ikea bulb firmware update to fix this.
Anything new on this? I have the same issue. I’m on an RPI 3 b+ running deConz in a docker on hassio.
Device: /dev/ttyAMA0
Firmware File: deCONZ_Rpi_0x26330500.bin.GCF
Are the above device and firmware values correct?
Enter Y to proceed, any other entry to exit: y
/usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal.bin: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /usr/lib/libwiringPi.so)
Flashing Error! Please re-run this script...
I did addon upgrade from 3.8 to 4.1 and lost connection to deconz so I restored from backup version 3.8 and it is up again but I have lost all zigbee paired devices. This is really wrong. Do I need to re-pair all from zero or I can restore it somehow? I thought that backup will do that.