deCONZ unable to connect to devices with RPi4 with SSD

Hi Guys,

I’ve got home assistant up and running on a SSD with Raspbian conncted to my RPi4.

After installing home assistant in Docker under Raspbian I restored a snapshot which worked fine, except my ConBee II with deCONZ. It just seems not to be able to connect to the devices.

I’ve tried different approaches for several days now and I can’t get it running/connecting to my lights.

It does not make any change if I swap the USB ports on the RPi4. Installing deCONZ in Docker did not do wotk either.

I also installed deCONZ under Raspbian. With this, I’m unable to open the GUI. It just does nothing at all. Also tried pretty much everything I could find on the web to this matter. The system logs do not have any error that is related with deCONZ.

My assumption is that the issue might be caused by the SSD with the USB 3.0. Right now I haven’t got an USB extension at hand so unfortunately I cannot test if that is the issue. However I will receive an extension on Monday.

Another cause might be some rights problem I guess. When open deCONZ from the SSD install I cannot make an backup, it fails. The same snapshot on a SD card works just fine and I can create a backup.

It’s the first time I do anything with docker and I haven’t been doing anything with Linux for the past years so it really can be some stupid mistake by myself.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please as it starts to get really frustrating.

Just in case anyone ever faces the same issue: Right now I got deCONZ successfully running in Docker and it is connected via the deCONZ home assistant integration.
Only issue I’m facing right now that everything is quite sluggish and not really responsive anymore as it was before. My motion sensors and hue remotes are not doing what they are supposed to do as the automations do not load. That’s another topic for today.