Deconz with wireless aqara switch

Hello guys, so I have conbee II with deconz and tyring to make my wireless aqara switch working. I found in the internet that it wont show as normal switches and I need to make specific automation for it to work.

Something like this:

I found it in deCONZ - Home Assistant

automation: - alias: "'Toggle lamp from dimmer'" initial_state: "on" trigger: - platform: event event_type: deconz_event event_data: id: remote_control_1 event: 1002 action: - service: light.toggle target: entity_id: light.lamp

For some reason it doesnt work for me, never tried to add such automations, maybe I miss something? It needs to be added to configuration.yaml?

My Aqara switch model is WXKG03LM

Hi, the switch will appear as “device”…
In automations, just choose “Device” as trigger type and you can then select the Aqara switch and the trigger type. eg “left button pressed”