okey - I finally got downstairs to tinker, got debug enabled and was about to share them when I noticed another switch suddenly was reacting and working in the logs and shortly after all 4 switches worked.
I guess time heal all wounds ?
btw. anyone know the max. number of devices conbee can handle ? Just saw i’m at 47 devices and there are still a few devices left on the hue bridge.
about buttons - they work on some of the switches, not all ;/
on that note - I had expected sensors for the switches but not seeing them anywhere in HomeAssistant - they are pure events instead? is there a place or way to see all the events flowing through homeassistant so I can see if the button presses shows up somewhere (and from there use it to automate) ?
Yes, all remotes are pure events. If they report battery they will generate an entity for the battery reporting
Either you can check the logs, or use an automation to create a sensor that exposes that information for you; there is an example in the component documentation.
with this I can see that home assistant does receive events all the buttons, incl. the color temp from the ikea tradfri dimmer switches - but seems like conbee is not honoring them.
Thus my next thing to grok is how one would go about write the automation in home-assistant that would actually do the “right” thing and without having to duplicate 50+ lines of yaml for every switch…know of some good examples of paramaterizing such automation ?