Deconz working great except for philips switches and app access?


Got deconz working with a conbee a few days ago - being moving all my ikea tradfri and philips hue lights and motion sensors over. so far so good.

Trouble is that not everything is rosy:

  1. philip dimmer switches gets identified but they don’t trigger any events (only 1 out of 4 work - and that was after a hard restart)
  2. motion sensors don’t turn on lights (worked around that by using homeassistant)
  3. the colour temperature keys on the ikea switches do nothing.

I’ve tried all kinds of things I found online about resetting, force joining a bulb to the switches etc. but no dice.

anyone got phillips switches working reliably ?

  1. I have Philips switches working standalone with lights (both paired with deconz) and Philips switches that control lights through automations.
  2. Should be done in the same way as switches.
  3. Can’t say, I use these only through home assistant.

If you can share debug logs from the deconz component I can have a look and give an educated guess

Is there some special things I need to get debug logs? The deconz addon logs doesn’t contain much afaics.

Did you enable debug as the component documentation says? There should be plenty of information.

okey - I finally got downstairs to tinker, got debug enabled and was about to share them when I noticed another switch suddenly was reacting and working in the logs and shortly after all 4 switches worked.

I guess time heal all wounds ?

btw. anyone know the max. number of devices conbee can handle ? Just saw i’m at 47 devices and there are still a few devices left on the hue bridge.

the dimmer up/down buttons don’t seem to work though ;/

Around 200 devices. It is not a specific limit but depends on devices in the mesh.

Yes, sometimes it can take some hours for devices to appear if they’ve been part of a different mesh previously.

All buttons should work. :frowning:

okey - so I go 4x more crazy :slight_smile:

about buttons - they work on some of the switches, not all ;/

on that note - I had expected sensors for the switches but not seeing them anywhere in HomeAssistant - they are pure events instead? is there a place or way to see all the events flowing through homeassistant so I can see if the button presses shows up somewhere (and from there use it to automate) ?

Yes, all remotes are pure events. If they report battery they will generate an entity for the battery reporting

Either you can check the logs, or use an automation to create a sensor that exposes that information for you; there is an example in the component documentation.

i’m reading the docs at and to be honest i’m not spotting where in here it explains how to create sensor that exposes the information.

Do you mean the part that talks about an AppDemon helper ? (meaning need to enable appdemon to get this exposed?)

That is the current example yes.

Look at template sensor, I think that would do what you want

@Robban thanks alot - got it finally working (submitted pullrequest to clarify the thing that stomped me for a bit:

with this I can see that home assistant does receive events all the buttons, incl. the color temp from the ikea tradfri dimmer switches - but seems like conbee is not honoring them.

Thus my next thing to grok is how one would go about write the automation in home-assistant that would actually do the “right” thing and without having to duplicate 50+ lines of yaml for every switch…know of some good examples of paramaterizing such automation ?

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Thats what appdaemon is great for!

I just knew you would say that :slight_smile: thanks for the pointer!

and in case others drop by here is a my first attempt (with big help from scripts/apps found in this forum)