Decora Wifi entities, but no devices

Good day, I have a number of Decora Smart Wifi products in my home (both wifi and bluetooth with a small hub). I was struggling yesterday to get these to show up properly in HA (previously, I accessed them through SmartThings to HA, but trying to cut out smart things if I can). I followed the directions and added the relevant lines to my configuration.yaml, but for the life of me nothing ever showed up in integrations or devices.

I was beating my head against the wall, as there was no log entry or anything indicating that there was a problem. I finally checked my entities tab and, low and behold, all the the leviton devices I have in the leviton app were there (including the BT linked devices). Trouble is, since they are “entities” and not “devices” I cannot find a way to pull them into automation. It also seems that this is not how it is supposed to work, So I’m thinking I still have something goofy going on.

I have disabled my smart things integration, thinking that might be the issue with the same devices coming from 2 integrations, but since that only disables things, not deletes them, the devices are still “there.”

Any advise from the community would be appreciated. I’m running HA 2023.10.1 through docker on a Manjaro installation.

Here’s the relevant sections of the config:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
light: !include lights.yaml


  - platform: decora_wifi
    username: (my real username)
    password: (my real password)

Let me know any other info I can provide to help troubleshoot.

It is quite simple: integrations configured in .yaml don’t show up in Integrations, and can’t create devices.
You did nothing wrong, it is what it is.

Don’t use device automations anyway, use state triggers and services calls, there you can call any entity on your system
