Hi, Ive got a numeric value that decrease every month with 1000, is it possible to create a sensor for this? Sort of countdown. Thanks
How is your numeric value stored in home assistant?
Ive created a number helper for it but not sure if it is the correct approach
It’s a good a way as any. What is the entity id?
Do you want a read only sensor or do you want the number to be decremented?
The id: input_number.80000
The 80000 needs to be decremented every first of the month with 1000
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ now().day == 1 }}"
- service: input_number.decrement
entity_id: input_number.80000
Make sure your input number configuration includes step: 1000
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The other option is to create a monthly repeating local calendar event and trigger off of that.
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