Deepstack - Want create automation with DoorEye camera

I want to create some automation.
When the camera from DoorEye recognize any face - it will be saved it on the directory and if the face is already on the database send my notification in the HA app with the name

My DoorEye camera is idle and every 5-10 minutes changes the token

How do I start making the camera take every 1 sec photo and check if there are some faces?

This the way to do it or I missed something?

As a start checking every 1 second is a lot

I use frigate. Frigate is good for detect the object and low resource required.

If frigate detect the object, in your case a person, only then will I check for the face recognition

I’m suggesting put something before face check to detect the motion or person and use that as trigger for check face

OK so I success to used Frigate and I get notified to phone any person go inside the zone with the screenshot

What about the next step how do I integrate it with Deepstack ?

Set automation that

platform: mqtt
topic: frigate/events

condition: template
value_template: '{{ trigger.payload_json["after"]["camera"] == "Frigate_<yourcamera>"}}'

Send <camera entity> to deep stack for image process

Purpose of frigate was to reduce images sent to deep stack for checking
When frigate send object it will send MQTT message. You can use that as trigger
You may add conditions like, only send when from a specific camera
If only checking one camera the action is simple but if multiple camera you may need to create template to send the correct camera for checking
I don’t use dooreye/deepstack so I presume you already have an integration that you may utilize for this service