I’ve installed HA over a year ago but have only recently found time to dive deeper. I’m hoping to set up some variables as conditions for some automations, namely something like
var_someoneishome if person.me=home or person.wife=home
var_alarmactivated if person.me=home and person.wife=home and iphone=charging and time isbetween 10pm and 6am
I want to use some sort of variables so that if I change these conditions, I don’t have to go through each and every automation to make adjustments. I saw the ‘helper’ menu, but I couldn’t seem to find the correct one that allows me to define something like the above.
I’m a total beginner to HA. Any direction you can give me is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Though, the var_someoneishome example is covered by a basic state condition. The state of a zone is the number of known persons in that zone, so that can be covered by: