Delay action


I have an automation that will switch the lights after a certain time. It is now configured to 2 minutes:

- id: '1648159033885'
  alias: Lumière dans le couloir
  description: ''
  - platform: device
    type: turned_on
    device_id: f7a8a50c7d0b4a5f89f1e4b7c3aa13f8
    entity_id: switch.shelly_entree_switch_0
    domain: switch
  condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 2
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: switch.turn_off
    data: {}
      device_id: f7a8a50c7d0b4a5f89f1e4b7c3aa13f8
  mode: single

Now, even though I have configured the next activity to happen after 2 minutes, the light switches off after circa. 5 minutes. Any idea ?



How is the device itself configured?
I have a KNX system myself and some lights are configureable to shut off with a delay, so even if I trigger them through HA, it will start the lights internal delay before turning off.

Thanks for your answer. Indeed, I believe that my HASS instance was running on a mac that was too old. I installed on a newer machine and timing seems to be more accurate.