Delete device from tuya cloud

I have local for some but tuya cloud for some items not supported locally.

Is there a way to delete things from tuya cloud? There’s no options in the device

Already turned this off

I tried editing
core.entity_registry & core.entity_registry where the cloud item appears, and after reboot the item is back.

I have found the option cannot be turned off because tuya actually deletes scenes all the time, and add some back in. So with the option off the scene will disappear and will not come back.

The only option seems to be to name it something ridiculous and then disable it so that there will be no name clashes

i also disable them in device page

I’ mjust finding alll the entity names clashing and I get _1 _2 etc it’s so messy.

Also in my google home I get 1 from tuya 1 from ha. I’m not sure how to deal with that.

i don’t have tuya skill in google home.
i have tuya skill in alexa but i created a specific account with limited number of shared devices, so not all devices are available from tuya skill.
These devices are already disabled in home assistant.

I’ll try that. The devices keep getting refreshed. Hidden things become unhidden, etc. It’s very annoying.