Deprecated: Iframe state card for Home Assistant

I needed to display some iframes inside HASS for a small project. Maybe some of you are interested to use the code.
Please note that more work is needed (e.g. CSS is a mess, alignment, sizing etc.). Additionally, not all websites allow iframe embedding so don’t blame me for that.


I feel like this could be really useful to create other components that would otherwise not be dynamic… Going to have to play with this some.

This is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for! Thank you!

However, It doesn’t work for me when viewed on a mobile device. Is there something that I can do to resolve that?

Does it work on your PC? If yes, you need to clear your mobile’s browser cache.

Do you think this would work for putting a google map on the front end that I could interact with like change to satellite view?

I read the docs but it appear to work on only certain sites like youtube.

      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-iframe
        height: 490    > in pixels, height of the iframe (more work needed)
        width: 108     > in %, width of the iframe (more work needed)
        scale: 1       > scales up or down the content of the iframe (it affects both the height and the width)
        url:    > url of the resource (**please note that some websites won't allow iframe embeding**)

Yes, no problem. You can embed anything you want (if the website allows iframe embedding). Google Maps has no problem with that.

Do you know if / how I can get that link for a webpage I created? I used HA device tracker information to put pins in a google maps from past locations. “bread crumbs” I made a webpage from below that I point my browser to which is an internal webpage. It doesn’t offer that google map menu that you showed.

Love it…this is exactly what I have been looking for.

You might have a problem with a thing called CORS (basically you can’t embed local files). However, it might work.
Depending on your application this might help you:

 map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
        zoom: 5,
        gestureHandling: 'greedy',
        disableDefaultUI: true,
        mapTypeControl: true,
        mapTypeControlOptions: {
             style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DEFAULT,
             position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT
        center: {
            lat: 0,
            lng: 0

Play with the mapTypeControl options.

I also have a small git that does the device tracking thing.

It does work on a PC. However I have cleared the website cache on my mobile device with no luck. I’m also experiencing the same behavior on my mobile device through the Home Assistant native app.

To clarify, the i-frame is collapsed. It seems to ignore the height attribute perhaps?

Paste here your customize/config part. Maybe you mixed something. Try to use the default values.
This happens only on your mobile?

Correct. The problem is only on my mobile phone: an iPhone

After further checking, it appears that the problem is related to Safari. Nevertheless, here is my config and customize:




  • platform: template
    value_template: iframe



custom_ui_state_card: state-card-iframe
height: 400 #> in pixels, height of the iframe (more work needed)
width: 115 #> in %, width of the iframe (more work needed)
scale: 1 #> scales up or down the content of the iframe (it affects both the height and the width)
url: /local/weather/HASS_Weather.html #> url of the resource (please note that some websites won’t allow iframe embeding)


Without a console log it is a bit hard to help.
Try to remove the comments after the values ( pixels, height of the iframe (more work needed)).

@covrig Raised a new issue

In lovelace-ui I’m getting this error in a red box:

i.setConfig is not a function

here my configuration.yaml:


  - /local/custom_ui/lovelace-iframe.html

and ui-lovelace.yaml

### TESTING ########################
  - name: TESTING
    title: TESTING
      - type: "custom:lovelace-iframe"
        height: 700   

any ideas?

still having no clue… ??

I’m having trouble getting this to work. After following the readme instructions the iframe doesn’t load. I just get a small blank group where the iframe should be


When clicking on it I just seem the json of the settings


What am I doing wrong? No errors are shown in the log.

I’ve done the following as per the readme

  1. Copied state-card-iframe.html to /www/custom_ui/

  2. Added path to frontend: in configuration.yaml

        - /local/custom_ui/state-card-iframe.html
  3. Added example customize entry to customize.yaml, only thing I changed was height/weight

      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-iframe
        height: 240
        width: 352
        scale: 1
  4. Added example group entry to groups.yaml, only thing I changed was I added text to the name field

        name: 'US 1 at Old Lincoln Hwy'
          - sensor.iframe
  5. Added example sensor entry to configuration.yaml

      - platform: template
            value_template: iframe

Why use a custom component with lovelace when it is built in.

It could be the javascript version option (I suspect you need to change to ?latest). Also it could be the cache of your browser. Try clearing it. Also try another link to embed.
More info here or below.

(string)(Optional)Version of the JavaScript to serve to clients. Options: es5 - transpiled so old browsers understand it. latest - not transpiled, so will work on recent browsers only. auto - select a version according to the browser user-agent. The value in the config can be overiden by putting es5 or latest in the URL. For example http://localhost:8123/states?es5

No dice. Tried clearing cache and tried both ?es5 and ?latest :frowning:

Any other ideas?