Desperately needing help with deCONZ and ConBee

Hi everyone!

I’m a noob of course and I’ve only been trying out this for a week. But that’s also how long I’ve been trying to get this deCONZ thing working and now I’m at wits end and about to throw it out the window. Is there anyone who can point me to a good step by step guide to set this up? So far none of the guides and tips on sites and in forums have helped. Mostly because they refer to things I either can’t run (like sudo and get.) or they refer to files and folders that I don’t have (deconz.yaml and deCONZ folder). Sometimes there are pieces of code that should be inserted somewhere but it doesn’t specify exactly where.

Where am I so far. Well I’ve got a Raspberry Pi 3 B and a ConBee USB stick.

I’m running Home Assistant 0.83.2 (HassOS 1.13) and I’ve got HSS with Putty and Samba with Visual Studio running and working fine.

Listed serial devices are: /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyAMA0

ConBee stick is updated to latest firmware on a PC. But deCONZ log says there’s an update.

When it comes to deCONZ I’ve tried several guides to install but nothing seems to work.

I added and installed the addon.

Nothing showed up under discovery in my configuration.yaml file so I went on and added the following to my config.txt file on the micro SD card

Also made sure to leave a blank line after that.

I’ve tested adding both /dev/ttyAMA0 and /dev/ttyS0 to the deCONZ config with no result.

Since this is my first post I can’t add the log file. New users can only add two links.

Well you’re on the right path with the Marthoc hassio addon.

The Conbee should be available on /dev/ttyusb0 if you don’t have any other usb device.

Those other configs you’re mentioning is only for Raspbee hardware.

I too struggled for some time to make it work running the Deconz Hassio Addon and the ConBee USB stick on the same RPi as my HA instance. I worked more or less, but managing it and actually knowing what was going on on my zigbee network, that was another story. I lost countless hours just to have it running and then, for some reason or another (like removing a node or disconnecting something or just bad luck with a HA update), things were not working as intended and I felt blind, not really knowing what was wrong…
So finally I made the best decision ever: I grabbed a second RPi3 and installed an image from Dresden for the Pi, and now I have a great solution, almost flawless: my Hassio in one Pi (well, now running on Mac Mini, but that’s another story) and the Deconz on a separate Pi.
I have the Deconz App where I can see my Zigbee mesh, all the nodes and info for each one, then to manage all I use both Apps - the deLight WebApp and Phoscon - to install, rename, etc, and I’ve put my Deconz Pi GW on a better place in the house so it also has better coverage with less hops, so I have to use VNC to remotely access the Deconz App.
The connection to my HA is done via Integrations, where it finds the Deconz gateway on my network and then I have access to all my devices.
All things said, I’m not saying you should not go the path you’re going, with the USB stick on the same Pi as your HA instance. I’ve been there and it works, almost always. But in my experience, the solution that I have now is so much better that I trully recommend it.
My 5 cents.

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Thanks, I will have another go at it tomorrow and try the /dev/ttyusb0 when I wake up.

Thanks for the suggestion. I only have one RPi at the moment, but if I get a second one this could be a solution.

Okay, been trying to get this working today. Reinstalled deCONZ but still not able to get it to work.
Here’s some info from the logs that I’ve found. Seems like I’m not getting the API key.

deCONZ log

[] Starting deCONZ Addon...
[] Current deCONZ version: 2.05.49
[] Web UI port: 8080
[] Websockets port: 8443
[] deCONZ device: /dev/ttyUSB0
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()

System log
18-12-06 15:12:33 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Create Home Assistant add-on data folder /data/addons/data/69bb46cb_deconz
18-12-06 15:12:33 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image marthoc/hassio-addon-deconz-armhf tag 2.05.49.
18-12-06 15:13:32 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.docker.interface] Tag image marthoc/hassio-addon-deconz-armhf with version 2.05.49 as latest
18-12-06 15:14:13 INFO (SyncWorker_16) [hassio.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on marthoc/hassio-addon-deconz-armhf with version 2.05.49
18-12-06 15:14:15 WARNING (MainThread) [] No API token provided for /api/config
18-12-06 15:14:27 WARNING (MainThread) [] No API token provided for /api/config

And when trying to use Configuration/Configure/deCONZ which opens a small window with a blank box and one predifined with “80” I get this
Configure deCONZ
18-12-06 15:12:33 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Create Home Assistant add-on data folder /data/addons/data/69bb46cb_deconz
18-12-06 15:12:33 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image marthoc/hassio-addon-deconz-armhf tag 2.05.49.
18-12-06 15:13:32 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.docker.interface] Tag image marthoc/hassio-addon-deconz-armhf with version 2.05.49 as latest
18-12-06 15:14:13 INFO (SyncWorker_16) [hassio.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on marthoc/hassio-addon-deconz-armhf with version 2.05.49
18-12-06 15:14:15 WARNING (MainThread) [] No API token provided for /api/config
18-12-06 15:14:27 WARNING (MainThread) [] No API token provided for /api/config

Det gick inte att ta emot en API-nyckel (Translation Couldn’t get API-key)

Ok, the empty field should have the string ‘Värd’ and take the IP address of your machine as input. You shouldn’t really be able to pass that prompt without filling in the address.

I tried to add my RPi’s IP to that empty field, but the result is still the same.

Enable debug on configuration.yaml for deconz and paste frontend images and logs

Okay, so now I got it up and running! Got here in a kinda weird way though.
I placed the ConBee in my Windows machine and installed everything there, set it up and added a Philps Hue bulb in less than 5 minutes.
Then on the RPi i set it up using the PC as gateway and everything worked fine.
Shut down the RPi and put the ConBee back and restarted.
After having removed the Windows Gateway I could access the RPi Gateway settings in the WebUI, in which I before only could see the Add lights page.
So this time I could use the command to open the Gateway for authentication so that I could go to Configurations page and add the RPi adress for the Gateway again. At first try it still complained that it couldn’t receive the API key. But efter a second reboot it seemed to work.
So right now I can control my lights. A bit backwards solution but I got there at last.

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With hardship comes knowledge :wink: