Detect events from Ikea trådfri remotes


I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this, I have been researching this for several days and can’t find a solution. I will try to detail with as much information as I can:

I have been using z-wave for about a year and now started with zigbee together with a Conbee usb stick and a couple of Ikea trådfri lights, outlets and remotes. The lights and outlets are working as they should but I can’t hook into the events that the remotes should be sending. The ikea remote is connected and marked as online in the ZHA panel.

For the z-wave devices you can see the events triggered in OZW_log.txt and thought that the zigbee events would be displayed in home-assistant.log by adding the following to configuration.yaml, a whole lot more logging is added but I can’t see anything when clicking any of the buttons on the remote.

  default: info
    pydeconz: debug
    homeassistant.components.deconz: debug

I’m running on v 0.88.1. I’m using the offical deCONZ addon v 1.4, all zigbee devices have been added using the addon and not the Phoscon UI and therefore no devices are shown in the Phoscon UI. Using GCFFlasher i flashed deCONZ_Rpi_0x26300500.bin.GCF firmware onto the usb stick from a windows machine, downloaded from:;O=D

I have tried to setup automations that would be triggerd by the remotes but nothing happens, like this one:

- alias: ikea remote
  hide_entity: True
  initial_state: 'on'
   - platform: event
     event_type: deconz_event
      id: zha.zha_ikea_of_sweden_tradfri_remote_control_fe204dd4
      event: 1002
    service: scene.turn_on
    entity_id: scene.good_night

Thanks in advance for any input!


I have now found the issue, which is kind of stupid but I will say it anyway in case that somebody makes the same mistake. I thought that you needed both the Zigbee Home Automation component and the deCONZ component. So I ended with adding my devices to the Zigbee component and therefore nothing worked with deconz events. I have now removed everything about the Zigbee component and moved over to using deconz completely and everything is now working great. :slight_smile: