Detect momentary switch "short" and "long" press

I have a kinetic momentary switch on MQTT.
It is great and I’ve setup a binary_sensor on the events like so:

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: "Niko ZGP - Button A0"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/action"
        payload_on: "press_1"
        payload_off: "release_1"
          - topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/availability"
            payload_available: "online"
            payload_not_available: "offline"

Now I have a sensor from on to off, so far, so good.

But now, I’d like to detect one of the following 2 scenarios in a template trigger : short press (on/off within one second), long press (on for more than one second).

 - trigger:
     - platform: state
       entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0
     - name: "Button A0 - Short Press"
       state: >
         {{ }}
     - name: "Button A0 - Long Press"
       state: >
         {{ }}

But I’m struggling with something to put as Jinja here.
Maybe the approach is wrong, feel free to guide me.

EDIT: ChatGPT is not of a big help either, here is its solution:

For short press, this is working somehow because, yes, I’m switching from off to on but I’d like it to not detect short press unless the off is coming again within 1 second.

{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' and trigger.from_state.state == 'off' }}

For long press, this is not working, at all.

{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' and (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(trigger.from_state.last_changed)) >= 1 }}

Please help me :cry:

Perhaps with a State Trigger with its for option set to 1 second?

- platform: state
  entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'
    seconds: 1
1 Like

Great start, thank you! I reworked it a bit

  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0
          seconds: 1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A0 - Long Press"
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A0 - Short Press"
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
        auto_off: 1

It is not bullet proof, I’ll have to add a check on short trigger that it did not change to a long trigger but it is working as expected, I can manage from here.

1 Like

You can do something like this

  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0
        from: "off"
        to: "on"
          seconds: 1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A0 - Long Press"
        state: "{{ true }}"
        auto_off: 1
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0
        from: "on"
        to: "off"
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A0 - Short Press"
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.last_changed - trigger.from_state.last_changed < timedelta(seconds=1) }}"
        auto_off: 1

PS, I would advice to add unique_ids to your binary sensors

This is what I did, removing the auto_off for long press because I want to continuously do something when this happen “until” it is off.
I always add unique_id but I posted only a part of the code, the full one is useless in my opinion because it is too long and everyone will give up :slight_smile:

Here it is for future generations :rofl:

mqtt sensors

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: "Niko ZGP - Button A0"
        unique_id: 43f1df9d-287f-4af1-9b6e-43f0280fcb6e
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/action"
        payload_on: "press_1"
        payload_off: "release_1"
          - topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/availability"
            payload_available: "online"
            payload_not_available: "offline"
      - name: "Niko ZGP - Button A1"
        unique_id: be9a9003-1215-4e10-9d9f-023bf2eebd1d
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/action"
        payload_on: "press_2"
        payload_off: "release_2"
          - topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/availability"
            payload_available: "online"
            payload_not_available: "offline"
      - name: "Niko ZGP - Button B0"
        unique_id: d9eb7127-4360-439d-9ead-77b8df877af8
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/action"
        payload_on: "press_3"
        payload_off: "release_3"
          - topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/availability"
            payload_available: "online"
            payload_not_available: "offline"
      - name: "Niko ZGP - Button B1"
        unique_id: 4b38e7ba-3dc5-4c1f-8acf-50b83e59a185
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/action"
        payload_on: "press_4"
        payload_off: "release_4"
          - topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/availability"
            payload_available: "online"
            payload_not_available: "offline"
      - name: "Niko ZGP - Button A0 and B0"
        unique_id: 19de44ef-dce0-4b0d-9489-eee6f16fcc0d
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/action"
        payload_on: "press_1_and_3"
        payload_off: "release_1_and_3"
          - topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/availability"
            payload_available: "online"
            payload_not_available: "offline"
      - name: "Niko ZGP - Button A1 and B1"
        unique_id: f81c7ddc-825a-41e2-8fdd-ae3b25b270b0
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/action"
        payload_on: "press_2_and_4"
        payload_off: "release_2_and_4"
          - topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/availability"
            payload_available: "online"
            payload_not_available: "offline"
      - name: "Niko ZGP - Energy bar"
        unique_id: 3bee94b4-6ae5-4f37-97ec-cd56b7f7ebbd
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/action"
        payload_on: "press_energy_bar"
        off_delay: 1
          - topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Niko ZGP/availability"
            payload_available: "online"
            payload_not_available: "offline"

templating for short/long press

  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0
          seconds: 1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A0 - Long Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 191df587-1104-4193-98dd-f671aa51fb1f
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A0 - Short Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: b8e8ffb6-518c-49af-9894-30139fe7ad46
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
        auto_off: 1
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a1
          seconds: 1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A1 - Long Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 41d3280d-751a-4d6e-a921-62895238cb9e
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A1 - Short Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 03067789-77ef-4bc4-8a8f-0f21dfa752dc
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
        auto_off: 1
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_b0
          seconds: 1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button B0 - Long Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 8f77581b-c6d7-4f35-bdab-e06232500aef
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_b0
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button B0 - Short Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: aee9d976-0eb1-4f43-a66f-1c86466b744f
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
        auto_off: 1
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_b1
          seconds: 1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button B1 - Long Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 9c1313e3-c930-4712-9d35-cafeada6f614
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_b1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button B1 - Short Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 583cee62-56cf-45e6-8f02-4f060d58ece0
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
        auto_off: 1
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0_and_b0
          seconds: 1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A0 and B0 - Long Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 37a5abc0-1397-4493-9c6a-318b9c22c68a
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a0_and_b0
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A0 and B0 - Short Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 0c9816a4-0fc3-423f-b74c-3f8a39c9ef35
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
        auto_off: 1
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a1_and_b1
          seconds: 1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A1 and B1 - Long Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 54f4f0a4-267b-4792-a064-d155f592b5dc
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.niko_zgp_button_a1_and_b1
      - name: "Niko ZGP Button A1 and B1 - Short Press"
        icon: mdi:grid-large
        unique_id: 1a93b68c-998e-4605-ba48-2ee38c14fc37
        state: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
        auto_off: 1