I’ve been trying to figure out how to automate away an issue that I find sometimes occurs with my heating and hot water but struggling a bit and wondering if anyone can help…
I have a hot water tank and it heats up overnight, but also around 4:30 in the afternoon. The overnight one is always fine as no heating is running, but sometimes in the winter when the heating happens to be running at the same time at 4:30 I think it takes priority and the water isn’t heated as much, this can be noticeable if someone takes a bath or something particularly.
I have a Hive system and all the sensors are available in HA to detect states and most of the control is already done from there. What I would like to do is detect when the heating is running for a certain proportion of the time the hot water is on (hot water runs for 45 mins, so maybe if it’s running 20 mins or more within that) and either automatically extend the water heating time to offset or alert me and give me the option to do so.
It’s the whole detecting an overlap of the two things for a period of time that I’m not quite sure how to do, so wondered if anyone had any ideas?